Saturday, January 25, 2020
Illegal Immigrants From Mexico to US
Illegal Immigrants From Mexico to US Nowadays, illegal immigration continues to be a disputable and divisive issue, not only in the United States, but throughout the whole world. The migration of Mexicans into the United States is one of the key problems throughout the history of bilateral cooperation of Mexico and the United States. In this case, the speech is goes not about a legal entry into the country, which in one or another way can be planned and regulated by the U.S. authorities, but about a mass migration of illegal Mexicans which not easy to constrain. Thus, it is necessary to discuss the problem of illegal immigration from Mexico in U.S. and understand its main reasons through the prism of contemporary reality. First of all it is necessary to define the term illegal immigration, because it will be the most widely used term in our paper. According to Camarota, Illegal immigration (also referred to unauthorized or undocumented immigrants) refers to the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destined country. (Camarota, 2001). Also Sarmiento stated that By definition, illegal immigration arises from a divergence between whom the United States will accept as an immigrant and the desire of some foreign nationals to live and work in this country. Illegal immigration is as old as U.S. immigration law With changes in U.S. immigration law and economic and political conditions in the United States and other countries, the nature and characteristics of illegal immigration have also changed. (Sarmiento, 2002). In such a way, people who are residing in a country illegally are known as illegal immigrants. In addition to this term, we should mention that an individual who is residing in a country in illegal way could also be known as an illegal alien, illegal migrant, undocumented immigrant, undocumented alien, unauthorized migrant or undocumented worker. In this case there are almost as many titles as there are commentators and that is why illegal immigrants contain a vast category of people. Like any social phenomenon, illegal immigration is not taken out of nowhere. It has its reasons which affect the underlying mechanisms of our society. Observing the problem of illegal immigration from Mexico to the United States we see that through the last several decades, the Mexican economy experienced substantial changes associated with the transition to neo-liberal path of development and strengthening of regional integration processes. According to the pace of development the country has become one of the most successful developing countries in the world and took key positions in Latin America. This information raises the question, whether these changes are reflected in migration flows between Mexico and the United States, which in its scale ranks the first place in the world. Migration of Mexican workers in the U.S. is, in fact, a natural result of close cooperation between the two countries with different levels of economic development. Significant difference in living standards and wages is a major factor in migration from Mexico to the United States. In addition, the proximity of the two countries is an additional incentive in this process. The length of the common border is 3,3 thousand km, most of which passes through the rather narrow river Rio Grande. Analyzing the problem of illegal immigration through the prism of historical context we can found rather interesting information. It is a well-known fact that the migration of Mexicans in the United States has its origins in the late XIX century, when the development of agriculture, mining, light industry, construction of railways in the south of the U.S. required an additional influx of cheap labor from other countries. In the period between 1850-1880 something about 55,000 Mexicans immigrated in the U.S. with the purpose to find a good job there. Discussing the next historical period, or it will be better to say during the World War I, the flow of Mexicans in the U.S. has increased in several times. Mexicans compensated the lack of American labor and became the main working force in the southern states economy sector of the northern neighbor. In this case, some of them (immigrants from Mexico) were in the U.S. illegally. Then the status of illegal immigrants has not yet been officially established, and the Americans considered them fugitives from Mexico. In 1924, was created the first in the southern U.S. Border Patrol, which was used to control illegal border crossings, and Mexican fugitives officially acquired the status of illegal immigrants. According to historical documents the U.S. borders were not always closed for immigrants and into the acknowledgement of this fact will be written this paragraph. As it was previously stated in 30-ies years of XX century, during the deep depression in the U.S., access to Mexicans in the country was severely restricted. Legal immigrant visas were practically not given almost as illegal immigrants were deported from the country under threat of prison. However, this period lasted not long, until the World War II began. Lack of the U.S. farm workers in the fields of one of the fastest growing economic areas in the U.S. again forced the ruling circles of the United States to open its border for Mexicans. In 1942-1964 during the term of special immigration program, the seasonal influx of Mexican workers was more than 4.6 million people, many of whom remained in the United States for permanent residence. It is necessary to emphasize that they helped to create a social infrastructure for the further influx of immigrants from Mexico in many ways. In 1970-80 years, the inflow of legal immigrants from Mexico amounted to 50-60 thousand people per annum, and illegal immigration has reached 1,5 million people per annum in its turn. However, it should be borne in mind that 90% of illegal immigrants performed seasonal work in the U.S. and after a certain period of time returned back to Mexico. During that period, on the average 20% of Mexicos population depended on the funds earned by migrants and remittances to the country, the volume of which ranged from $1,5-2 billion per annum. (Wong, 2006). In the early 1980s, during the financial crisis, the Mexican economy influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico to the United States for permanent residence greatly increased. While in 1980 the total U.S. population consisted of 2,5-3,5 million illegal immigrants, in 1986 their number amounted to 3,5-5 million. Meanwhile, the bulk of illegal immigrants were exactly immigrants from Mexico. Illegal immigrants were basically referred to the poor and they went to take any risk in order to reach the United States. Some of them join the ranks of criminals, drug and arms traffickers. Others have labored day and night in the fields of California for paltry wages, the size of which still exceeded the cost of labor in Mexico. Measures aimed to toughen immigration regime adopted in the U.S. in the late 1970s during the presidency of J. Carter (in particular, in some parts of the U.S.-Mexican border were erected barbed wire barricades, were adopted laws with an aim to infringe the rights of illegal immigrants and their children) were unable to deliver an effective barrier against illegal immigration, but only caused a worsening of relations on intergovernmental level. Moreover, in several years with an aim to additionally tighten control over illegal immigration was banned the process of illegal workers hiring, and employers who were going to violate this law knew about existed s anctions and set fines of 250 to 10 thousand dollars. However, despite the extra-taken measures, the influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico did not significantly declined. The situation with the control of illegal immigration from Mexico remains highly controversial, since affects the interests of different parties, especially the central government and local employers. On the one hand, the U.S. authorities made considerable efforts to curb illegal immigration. In addition, to strengthening border controls the U.S. government instituted a system of heavy fines from U.S. employers for the employment of illegal immigrants, abolish the right of free emergency medical and food aid, even for children of illegal immigrants, and also has established a deportation from the country. (Trevino, 1998). On the other hand, control of illegal immigration remains the weakest and least effective part of the migration policy. Seasonal agricultural workers from Mexico are the main labor force in the fields of California, Oregon. Therefore, in those moments when the central authorities in the U.S. are trying to toughen the migration regime and in the first place to restrict illegal immigration, authorities in these states often express open dissent and demand to weaken border controls. Currently, the problem of illegal immigration requires new constructive approaches and is closely linked to the control of legal immigration. On the one hand, the tightening of immigration controls and reducing quotas naturally stimulates the flow of illegal immigrants in the U.S., so at the present stage of bilateral cooperation is necessary to achieve a certain compromise on immigration policy. On the other hand, living relatives in the U.S. is a magnet for many Mexicans, so the U.S. government should draw a special attention to this aspect of the question. In this case, the speech is goes not about the closest relatives, which according to the U.S. law have the right to family reunification. In this situation the question refers to distant relatives or friends who help illegal immigrants and, thus, stimulate the process of illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants have many problems in America and their problems sometimes become the main problem even for legal immigrants. Why is it so? The answer is rather simple and deals with existed stereotypes, because immigrants considered to be the people of other sort and native Americans dont want to respect them. Also among the answers on the questions asked above we could define Blondells words, who said that the poll results among immigrants who are already in the United States show a widespread feeling that the current immigration chaos is unfair to the millions who entered the country legally. There are hundreds of thousands each year who are eager to assimilate. There is the sense that fairness to those who have abided by the law requires that they be given priority over those who violate the law. This lends itself to the view that state and local cooperation with federal efforts should be mandatory because the problem of chaotic illegal immigration is harmful to both native an d naturalized citizens in so many ways. (Blondell, 2008). Discussing the main problems that illegal immigration causes to the United States we see the following among the most notable of them: Glut of market with the cheap labor, reduction in wages because of the competition from the side of immigrants willing to work sometimes for a pittance, the increase of unemployment. The rise of crime, because illegal immigrants often work for a small salary and are on the other side of the law, in particular, a significant part of drugs trafficking and trafficking deadly poison in the country is carried out by people from dangerous countries that are at the group of risk. Overpopulation of the residential areas occupied by illegal immigrants, unsanitary conditions, threatening virtuous citizens. This, in turn, leads to resentment of the indigenous population forced to live in close proximity to clusters of immigrants. The destruction of families as migrant workers have a very long time been away from their families. The economic burden to the taxpayers, because they have to spend money on the health care of immigrants, even banal deportation costs money. At the same time, illegal migrants and their employers do not pay taxes to the budget. (Wong, 2006). The question of illegal immigration is connected with different legends and stories, and different surprising facts also have a place among them. One surprising fact is connected with actions of the Samaritan Patrol. The above mentioned Samaritan Patrol (Patrullaje Samaritano), whose members drive their off-road vehicles across the desert, searching there for illegal immigrants who might need an urgent medical aid. Mexicans know that when they saw a car marked Samaritan Patrol with a green cross, they will be given food, water, transportation to a medical hospital at their request, and if they want to go home the connection with the border patrol. The existence of such organization certainly raises a lot of controversy, and Border Patrol is constantly checks if there is a very big help to those who violate the law. The protests come also from the hospitals that are overcrowded by illegal aliens, who can not pay for own treatment and who are the ballast for American taxpayers. (Porte r, 2006). Haines Rosenblum said that As stated previously, there are an increasing number of security measures that have been implemented at and around the Mexico-U.S. border. As a result, it has become more difficult to illegally cross the border. As such, the assistance of coyotes is in high demand. The fees for a coyote easily run into the thousands per individual. Many illegal immigrants save up money or borrow money to cover this fee. Once a Mexican immigrant successfully crosses the border into the United States, they generally have two main goals. Their first aim is to send part of their earnings back home to their family and their second goal is to bring more family members to the United States. Eventually they hope to gain permanent residency (green card) and possibly U.S. citizenship status. (Haines Rosenblum, 1999). The next surprising fact is a special wall in the desert that aimed to stop illegal immigrants from Mexico. The influx of poor, uneducated and willing to work for meager wages illegal immigrants, as expected, has caused quite a backlash in American society, demanding politicians to stop, or at least to take under the control increased volumes of Mexican immigration. However, the defeat over illegal immigration is almost impossible and taking into account previous attempts to do it, the likely effectiveness of future borders and walls also in doubt. By the way, Mexican and U.S. scientists warn that the construction of the line of solid barriers may result in ecological disaster in the vast desert areas with a total area of over 100 thousand square kilometers at the junction of the states of Sonora (Mexico) and Arizona (USA), where the biosphere wildlife preserves were declared the heritage of mankind by UNESCO. Scientists stated that the desert is associated with a lifeless space only in the representation of the ignorant people. In fact, we are talking about very unique and fragile natural systems with unique flora and fauna. In biosphere wildlife preserves remain rare species of cacti and relic plants and wildlife is adapted to life in extreme conditions of arid desert. That is why extreme natural desert conditions explain the fragility of its ecosystems, where life and survival are synonymous. Measuring the amount of people who lost their lives in the search of better life on the border between Mexico and America, we see that the situation on the US-Mexican border is so does not fit in the universal notions of good and evil that even the Catholic Church could not stay aside the illegal immigration question. One day representatives of Mexican and American churches song an unusual collaboration, frontier Mass in memory of those who died trying to find a better life crossing the border illegally. According to Delaet we also see that Not all illegal aliens are crossing into the United States to find work. Law enforcement officials indicate that there are individuals coming across the border who are forced to leave their home countries because of criminal activities. These dangerous criminals are fleeing the law in other countries and seeking refuge in the United States. (Delaet, 2000). Thus, it shows that criminal atmosphere in immigrants circles are increased. Unfortunately, violence against immigrants is not something new for the U.S. In recent years, those who enter American territory illegally, more than ever, are at the mercy of sadistic inhuman smugglers, and many die even before they enter the United States. Others that used to repay a debt to smugglers become slaves and subjects of extortion, forced to prostitution and hard work through the fraud of their own countrymen. Thefts are also prevalent crimes in the immigrant environment. Often robbers guessing about the sta tus of illegal residents concluded that these people have no bank accounts in the U.S., and hence a lot of cash might be finding in their pockets. But these crimes on their scale are still far from illegal activities involving drugs. Many Mexicans choose not only to cross the border or transfer own family, but at the same time smuggle drugs. And drugs are always in conjunction with the crime, and smuggling leads only to more weapons, death and violence in the border with the U.S. cities where people are forced to pay with their lives for the increasing demand for powder for the residents of the neighboring state. And it is very difficult to stop this flow of death. According to this fact National Drug Intelligence Center Drug Enforcement Administration demonstrated that The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration reports that the Mexican drug syndicates operating today along our Nations Southwest border are far more sophisticated and dangerous than any of the other organized criminal groups in Americas law enforcement history. Indeed, these powerful drug cartels, and the human smuggling networks and gangs they leverage, have immense control over the routes into the United States and continue to pose formidable chal lenges to our efforts to secure the Southwest border. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ The cartels operate along the border with military grade weapons, technology and intelligence and their own respective paramilitary enforcers. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ This new breed of cartel is not only more violent, powerful and well financed, it is also deeply engaged in intelligence collection on both sides of the border. (National Drug Intelligence Center Drug Enforcement Administration, 2003). Thus, summarizing the above stated information it becomes evident that immigration from Mexico is a complex and multifaceted process. The majority of illegal border crossings have a place due to the fact that people simply want to earn extra money, and many of them did not want to stay in the U.S. permanently. However, higher wages are a magnet, and there are also a lot of people who would like to make the United States the place of own permanent residence. An effort to develop the Mexican economy has been taken with an aim to stop illegal immigration (this effort is a very good idea if the government would be able to bring it up to the end. But it is extremely difficult to do, realistically, in the scale at which it needs to be done with an aim to substantially decrease illegal immigration level). It is impossible to think about the issue of illegal immigration from two prefabricated sides to increase the possibility of legal entry into the United States, or to increase security at borders. It is so, because the problem is complex and serious and requires comprehensive approach to its solution. That is, in general, the picture of contemporary reality in the context of the problem of illegal immigration, our point of view on its causes, solutions and alternatives to the status quo. Thus, taking into account all the information discussed above it is possible to come to the conclusion that illegal immigration is a crime, but illegal immigrants need help and only right laws can help them to leave shadow and become visible. However, it does not mean that we should turn away from the current needs of this part of the social order, but on the contrary, we must look closely at the trends within it. Many politicians strongly believe that the answer must be found in the socio-political movement of the order itself, which we consider.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Baked soil versus regular soil when planting
Television knows the power of the image, and critics of television are aware that the image can be a negative force or positive one. Television violence has a huge impact on our childrenââ¬â¢s mind. Every child loves watching television, each child gathers plenty of information on TV. The TV causes children not to able to communicate or express their feelings and causes them to have low critical thinking when it comes to educational progress. Children learn aggressive behavior by watching television. Children tend to imitate what they have learned on TV ads and they easily learn profane words.Even though TV brings many positive impacts and influences from which people can benefit, its negative impacts are most likely extensive. Many surveys have been conducted to see how many hoursââ¬â¢ children watch TV. The result shows that children spent plenty of hours watching TV every day. Is TV too bad for the children to watch? The answer is no, because it can also educate children. At tentive parents must step in to guide their children as they watch TV. I remember growing up; my parents did not allow me to watch anything on TV.I have to be monitored by my parents, elders, and family friends. There were periods of time to do home-works, playing with friends, go out with family, and watch TV. My parents used to tell me that education was the first priority, and then the rest would flow with it. Nowadays, the children just sit in from of TV and they do not care about their homework. One year ago, I heard a friend of my family friends that a boy of 8 years old took his fatherââ¬â¢s gun to practice on his sister what he saw on TV, but luckily their mother intervened and took the gun from the boy.If the mother had not been around, bad things could have happened. But how did the boy have get access to the gun to imitate what he saw on the TV? This is why parents should pay attention to what their children watch on the TV to prevent them from becoming violent or deve loping aggressive behavior that will lead them to juvenile delinquency. The television has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but there is a dark side to it when children sit every day watching TV and the problem starts with our children.When the children are more exposed to watching TV, they do not have the urge to do their home work because children learn from what they see on TV. TV causes children to have distractions and children can have the knowledge of what is happening by mimicking cartoons or ads on TV. Children nowadays like to spend hours in front of a television, and this can cause children to suffer from eye problems and obesity. Watching TV for long period of time adds to the sedentary nature of their lifestyles. This can create or lead to aggressive behavior, violence, restlessness, and poor academic performance (Simmons &Wentzel, 1999).The children could have nightmares during sleeping hours due to violence they had watched on the TV aside from physical conseque nces; children imitate what they see on the TV and have a negative reaction. TV ads send messages telling children what is considered attractive. For example, smoking, murder, sex, and violent movie ads on the TV can create a big impact on them like immoral behavior, provocative clothing, and inappropriate ads such as alcohol and tobacco. Children, who should spend their time in studying, reading good books, playing outside homes, and engaging in social activities, today, spend their evenings glued to the television.Through watching the TV, a child or a teenager could learn how to kill someone or even kill himself or herself (Simmons &Wentzel, 1999). Watching people dying will not do the child any good. The child might try to imitate all the actions seen on TV, and watching violence or crimes can lead to aggressive behavior and as a result to juvenile delinquency. The physical activities on TV programs can influence the children in a negative way. Also TV can easily influence childr en who are curious and act on what they see, but if children watch educational programs, they can be influenced in positive ways.According to Squidoo (2010), ââ¬Å"some studies indicate TV can shorten attention span, distort body image, and work in conjunction with other factors to escalate obesity, create fear, and increase aggressive and anti-social behaviors if exposure is unmonitored and unlimited, ââ¬Å"The same report also states that many families in the US have their TV on an average of 6 -7. 5 hours per day. â⬠(Squidoo, 2010, p. 4). This is true because when the children are glued to the TV for that long period of time, it can cause distraction and low performance in their education.Students watching more TV in elementary school had increased chances of dropping out of school and decreased chances of getting a college degree (Karachi, 2010). For instance, according to The Sourcebook for Teaching Science, the average child views 1500 hours of TV per year compared to spending only 900 hours per year in school year in 2010. (Karachi, 2010). Can you imagine when you do the calculation that the children only have 600 hours per year to spend on other things like going out with the parents or visiting family or friends and doing home-work?Clearly, TV gets in the way of the childrenââ¬â¢s educational progress and performance. Clearly, TV is a very powerful tool that influences our children. The influence of television depends on the parenting skills and how parents train their kids. Children who watch TV violence or cartoon films may become less sensitive and less emotional to others around them and they may be more fearful, have antisocial behaviors, and behave in aggressive or harmful ways towards others. TV violence has an impact on expressed levels of aggression in children (Simmons &Wentzel, 1999).Children learn to be aggressive by watching actors and actresses or cartoon characters on TV and practicing their aggressive behaviors. Seeing the a ctresses or actors get away with violence on the TV causes children to believe that performing violent acts is a normal thing. Children who watch a lot of TV violence when they are elementary school age tend to gain more aggression once they become teenagers. Parents should pay attention to the programs their children are watching and explain to their children what is going on what is right, and what is wrong. (Blumenthal, 1999)According to Belson (1978), violence can be wrapped in a way that the violent content becomes transparent. He writes, ââ¬Å"In 1992, the American Psychology Associateââ¬â¢s Task Force on TV and society published a report that confirms the TV violence in children. â⬠(Kurniawan, 2008, p. 243). We should not allow children to watch TV alone; this will prevent them from watching violence on the TV. When children see the colorful picture on the TV, it catches their attention to watch the TV because of the bright colors attract them and entertain them. Pr oblem arises, when children become addicted to the TV and parents unable to control them.There are several effects of watching TV, especially cartoons, which can be dangerous if parents do not monitor them. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), the average child will watch 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence on television before finishing elementary school (Leonard & Mirrors, 1997). From June 1994 to April 1998 the ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox study to monitor violence on television and found that overall 61% of television programs during the 1996-1997 season contained some violence, compared with 57% of shows during the 1994-1995 season.The amount of violence showed increased 14% from the previous year, with 67% of those shows depicting violence (Leonard & Mirrors, 1997). According to Bandura study was conducted in which children watched a video of a woman hitting and kicking a plastic doll. Afterwards, the children were allowed to play with a doll. The childre n imitated what they watched on the TV, kicking, hitting, and using verbal expressions to attack the doll as they saw on the video (Leonard & Mirrors, 1997). Another study has shown that TV characters who committed violent acts were not punished right way is about 75%.(Leonard & Mirrors, 1997) Conclusion Study has shown that children who watch TV are destined to develop problems with their educational progress, poor classroom behavior, lower math scores, and unhealthier habits in life (Karachi, 2010). References Belson, William A. (1978), Television and the adolescent boy, Saxon House, Teakfield Ltd. , Hampshire. Blumenthal, Richard. (1999), What Parents Can Do About TV Violence. June14, 2010 retrieved from http://www. cslnet. ctstateu. edu/attygenl/tvtips. htm Karachi, P. (2010).Child watching much TV gets negative effect on education, 81(1), 368-375. Kurniawan, Y. (2008). Children should be protected from the media influence. June 14, 2010 retrieved from http://www. slideshare. ne t/yusuf_k/children-should-be-protected-from-the-media-influence Leonard, J. , and Mirrors, S. (1997). Violence, television, and other American cultures. New York: New Press. Simmons, B. , and Heather, W. (1999), Television violence and its effects on young children. Early childhood education journal. 26. 3 (1999): 149-153. Squidoo, LLC.(2010). Influence of Media on Children Retrieved June 14, 2010 from http://www. squidoo. com/influence-of-media-on-children There are various ways to make a garden and undeniably, the success of gardening not to mention the necessity of having a silver hand for planting which is in reality the gardenerââ¬â¢s skill and how plants are taken cared for is a must but also much depends on the type of soil used for the planting. With reference to the above, this research paper will try to find out which is better, the baked soil or the regular soil?First, let us take a look on the regular soil by reviewing some of the classification of soils that are used for planting. These are ââ¬Å"clay, sand, chalk or calcareous, loam and peat and even subsoil (Data). â⬠Clayish soil looks like putty when it gets wet and for this reason it is hard to cultivate plants on this soil during rainy days or wet seasons. Sandy soils only amounts to ten percent of clay and cactus and other succulents thrived on it. Loam is an ideal blend of sand and clay and it is what gardener commonly looks for because it is ââ¬Å"considered as the best soil for almost any plants (Data).â⬠Chalky soil is very deficient because it lacks humus and other organic matter for the plant to feed on. This type of soil is a bad choice anytime whether it is dry or wet season. Peat soil contains more than 20% humus which can be very valuable for growing acid loving plants (Data) for examples to certain crop like celery. Peat soil comes in two varieties, the brown peat and the black however, the brown colored one is easier to work with. Last but not the least is the sub soil which can be found a foot deep which are often times impedes drainage of the top soil (Data).For all soil types, it is always good to consider the subsoil in order to grow plants that will have a healthy root structures. Some experts says that sand holds little water and nourishment or nutrients (Tapla) and for that reason growers replace sand with silica or crushed granite found in masonry stores. What to keep in mind are plants need aeration as well as drainage while we try to maintain the porosity of the soil. Soil by the way also contains different PH which have various requirements to so many different species of plants.And for this reason, before embarking on gardening, because of very limited time and space, the gardener should decide which type of plants should be grown in the garden. As noted above, a regular garden soil comes in variety or in simple term we can call them the raw soil. The baked soil may come from those varieties however the only thing that makes a dif ference is that it is baked, may be sun baked or baked in the laboratory or nurseries. Baked soil is clean and with no impurities, however some of those soils are hard depending where it came from.For example it is hard if it came from clay type of soil. However, this can be splashed with water and then raked to make it a good bed for seedlings. Some makers of organic soils used to bake soils in the sun or applying heat to make a smoother texture of the soil and kill the unhealthy bacteria that could be damaging for plants. Baked soil is the best choice when we do not like fungi to thrive on our plants, for instance the yellowing of the leaf or the overstressing of the root system due to poor soil.However, this type of soil can not be available anytime and may not be a very practical choice for many uses. Baked soil may also be very expensive to make. Moreover, the choice of soil really depends on the type of plants that will be grown and the time somebody is willing to spend in tak ing care of the garden. Since many type of garden soil are not ideal to grow plants, the combination may be a kind acceptable to grow healthy plants provided that gardeners add some nutrients in the soil. Gardeners at the same time should manage the plant environment by conditioning the soil.To condition a garden soil, the following soil management in the yards and gardens may prove helpful; first, is to manage the environment and that is to know very well whether plants are sun or shade loving and providing adequate supply of air, water, and mineral in the soil. For this task, soil management becomes the major gardening task because soil can easily be controlled unlike the climate. Second, gardeners should realize the need to improve soil management constantly and that includes erosion, chemical leaching, and weeds problems.Soil management also helps to conserve the natural resource like water. It is not truly a fight whether which type of soil is a lot better because even poor soi l can be improved by adding organic matter into it. These are biosolids or matters from sewage sludge, sawdust, rice hull, and even manure. There are many types of conditioning which can be used in treating soil deficiencies at no cost because most of these organic things come from outside and inside our homes.Adding a little bit of organic matter in the raw soil each year can help add up to the nitrogen requirements or obtain balance fertility in garden soils. Aside from these available organic matters, composting can hasten the provision for fertilizing the soil however; the need for commercial nitrogen chemicals is still a practical way of doing things easily since these chemicals are cheaper in terms of the amount of time that will be spent in the preparation.Both baked and regular soil can grow plants, even poor soils can be conditioned. What is important is whether the gardener is knowledgeable in managing the soil including the plants and water requirements of plants. Work Ci ted Data, Gardening. ââ¬Å"Different Types of Garden Soil. â⬠(2008). 01 May 2008 . Tapla. ââ¬Å"A Soil Discussion. â⬠(2007). 01 May 2008 .
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Consumerism Essay - 1039 Words
In the fourth era of the consumer movement, the key marketplace features include concern for the environment, increasingly complex technology, a diverse market, and a global market. Concern for the environment has manifested itself in a number of different ways. One example is the Exxon Valdez oil spill, which caused many consumers to become disappointed in Exxon. Exxon has had to work at improving its environmental image after this accident, and there are still individuals who will not buy gas at Exxon as a result of Exxonââ¬â¢s handling of this situation. There has been a trend in the past ten years or so to protect the environment and to also buy products that are more natural and environmentally sound. In our era, Fresh Fields, aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦For example, genetic engineering has made it possible to buy produce that is bigger and lasts longer than non-engineered produce. Questions of safety have been raised with respect to this practice, and some consumer group s have voiced concerns. Advanced technology has also made a business of fertility problems, making fertility treatments a possibility, and the selling of human eggs has become a booming business. All this poses new challenges and ethical dilemmas to the consumers of today. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Credit has become another key feature of the fourth era of the consumer movement. Direct marketing is widely used to target individuals who may be eligible for credit, and these individuals are aggressively pursued. Credit abuses exist, including giving credit to students who are not in a financial position to acquire such debt. In addition, companies exist that claim to be able to fix credit problems for a fee, and in fact, they do nothing that consumers cannot do themselves, by writing the credit bureaus, for example. Claims that a company or agency can miraculously clean up bad credit are simply false. The use of credit as a way to purchase goods and services has greatly altered the world in which we live, and has changed the way that consumers operate in the business world.Show MoreRelatedDisadvantages Of Consumerism1154 Words à |à 5 Pages ââ¬Å"The study of consumerism in world history does not provide a definitive balance sheet on whether the long-term results are favorable or unfavorable. But it does provide perspective, allowing [a] greater understanding of what consumerism involves, and perspective...offers a greater capacity to choose...rather than being swept away by the latest enthusiasmâ⬠(Stearns, 159). Peter Stearnsââ¬â¢ book ââ¬Å"Consumerism In World History: The Global Transformation of Desireâ⬠offers an extensive perspective on theRead MoreConsumerism Essay1620 Words à |à 7 PagesConsumerism ââ¬â Bruce Dawe Poetry || 2009 Every society has mythology. In some societies, itââ¬â¢s religion. Our religion is consumerism. As we are constantly exposed to mass media and popular culture in our modern society, the insidious nature of consumerism has allowed it to penetrate into every aspect of our lives, dictating our very beliefs, values and wants. Nearly every individual in our society subconsciously conforms to the shallow and superficial mindset that characterises our consumerist cultureRead MoreEssay on Effects on Consumerism742 Words à |à 3 Pages Consumerism is a description of societyââ¬â¢s lifestyle in which many people embrace to achieve their goals by acquiring goods that they clearly do not need (Stearns, 7). The idea that the market is shaped by the choice of the consumersââ¬â¢ needs and wants can be defined as a consumer sovereignty (Goodwin, Nelson, Ackerman, Weisskopf, 2). This belief is based on the assumption that the consumer knows what it wants. Contrary to this logic, marketers convince us that the consumer does not know what theyRead MoreThe Problem Of Extreme Consumerism926 Words à |à 4 Pagesextreme amount of consumerism, but why exactly? What are the possible causes of extreme consumerism? Some of the few possible causes contributing to mass consumerism would include: the want for consumption, the need for consumption, and possibly even hoarders. Although many of the possible causes listed above tie together, itââ¬â¢s quite interesting exploring these causes of extreme consumerism and being able to shine a small light on the subject. As mentioned, extreme consumerism is what makes theRead MoreConsumerism Is All Around Us747 Words à |à 3 Pagesto carry out the day-to-day happenings of our lives, the people of the 21st century cannot seem to escape the ever-powerful grasp of corporate consumerism. While many are aware that consumerism is all around us, few understand the true extent to which it impacts our lives. With constant exposure to advertising itââ¬â¢s hard not to get sucked into consumerism. The advertisements we see influence our spending habits by convincing us that certain material possessions will improve our lives. This is problematicRead MoreModern Society and Consumerism Essay1035 Words à |à 5 PagesConsumerism is defined as ââ¬Å"the theory that an increasing consumption of goods is economically desirableâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Consumerismâ⬠). Its primary motivation is the idea that if one does not have all that money can buy, then he or she cannot be happy. This school of thought has beco me an integral part of modern society not only in the United States, but internationally as well. While the exact source of this term and ideology are debatable, it is certain now that consumerism is here to stay, intertwining withRead MoreConsumerism : The Great Gatsby, And Harrison Bergeron1441 Words à |à 6 PagesConsumerism is defined as the increase in the consumption of goods. It is the theory that buying more goods will ultimately lead to economic advantages. Consumerism has destroyed the concept of the idealistic nuclear family in America, in favor of materialistic chaos. American society used to be content with the little things in life, up until the rise of consumerism, starting during the industrial revolution, but reaching its peak after World War II. Americans have become more occupied with theRead MoreEssay The Effects of Consumerism on Adults and Children1085 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Effects of Consumerism on Adults and Children Consumers are creatively successful when designing a persuasive advertisement for increased profitability. In a normal household, itââ¬â¢s the parents who have the financial obligations; therefore, it would be wise to grab their attention. On the other hand, it takes less than a strategic mind targeting children because the simplest things fascinate them. Businesses have been perfecting commercials to be effective on the viewers, for years. AlthoughRead MoreConsumerism And Free Market Economy1509 Words à |à 7 Pagescommercialism as essential in the enhancement of capitalism and free market economy. It can also lead to innovation competition of companies in meeting the needs of consumers. However, Commercialism can lead to an increase in wasteful consumption or consumerism. It can also lead to the depletion of natural resources in trying to meet the consumption needs of the people. Although commercialism have it draw backs, it is not all bad; commercialism promotes capitalism and free trade both of which are veryRead MoreHow Consumerism Changed The City London2342 Words à |à 10 Pagesabriel and Lang (1995:3) define consumerism as a life ââ¬Å"excessively preoccupied with consumption.â⬠Individuals who are at the extreme end of the spectrum could be referred to as shopaholics. According to Bocock et al (1993) at the heart of consumerism is a belief that ââ¬Å"goods and services specifically provide fun and enjoymentâ⬠for the consumer (Bocock et al, 1993, cited in Troy, 1995). It is a very important factor in our daily life as we are confronted with numerous products to choose from (Beer
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Zafiya Shamim UU200 - 1547 Words
COURSE UU200: Ethics and Governance MODE (FACE-TO-FACE or DFL) Face-to-face YOUR NAME Zafiya Shamim YOUR ID NUMBER S11079316 YOUR TUTORââ¬â¢S NAME Ms Smita Singh TUTORIAL DAY AND TIME Friday, 11-1pm ESSAY NUMBER AND TOPIC 4, Should there be law against adultery DECLARATION: I declare that this essay is my original work. Due credit has been given to all sources I used. Signature and Date: 15/04/15 Love is patient, love never fails and adultery was understood to be destructive in the earliest days of civilization, thus earning its own ââ¬ËThou Shalt Notââ¬â¢. Adultery literally refers to married persons having sexual intercourse with someone other than their lawful spouse.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Sometimes some may convince themselves that an affair might even spice up a marriage thus be considered a marital bliss. Whilst some people consider it as a sign of weakness and as exceptionally deceiving. I strongly believe that the inability to be loyal and faithful to a spouse is due to weakness of character. Adultery shatters the trust, intimacy one has for each other; it also breaks up families, homes, ruins a number of lives and leaves a path of endless pain and destruction of a personal reputation. Adultery in Islam has said to be one of the most heinous and deadliest of sins. It says in the Qurââ¬â¢an: ââ¬Å"And come not near unto adultery. Lo! It is an abomination and an evil wayâ⬠(Hussein, 2010). Muslims believe no adulterer is a believer when they are committing adultery. Similarly, adultery has never been accepted in Hinduism and even today the Indian society treats it as a wrongful deed. According to the Vishnu Purana: ââ¬Å"if a man commits adultery, he will be severely punished in this birth as well as the next birthâ⬠(V, 2011). They are against adultery because of moral and social reasons. Also, Christians strongly believe that ââ¬Å"You shall not commit adulteryâ⬠(Biblos, 2013). Furthermore, South Korea was one of only three Asian countries to still criminalise adultery, alongside Taiwan and the Philippines. All European nations have decriminalised adultery (Anon., 2015). And, while it is not considered
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