Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critical apraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Critical apraisal - Essay Example The article is pertinent as this particular segment of society faces lot of problems related to stress and depression resulting in health problems that adversely affects their work and employment scope. The article, ‘A randomized controlled trial of combined exercise and psycho-education for low-SES women: Short- and long-term outcomes in the reduction of stress and depressive symptoms’ by Waerden et al., is a study that was conducted on 161 Dutch low SES women with a moderately high stress level or depressive symptoms between September 2005 and May 2008. It helped evaluate the impact of interventions on their stress and depression. The group based program was divided into three categories: E or exercise only; EP or exercise with psycho education; and WLP or waiting list control condition where participants were randomly assigned. The study highlighted 8 weeks intervention with follow up after 2, 6 and 12 months respectively. It revealed that E and EP showed stress reduction in women with low education achievement. The findings are important as this group can be targeted for reducing stress and depressive symptoms. The study has a clear statement of goals and articulates its importance within the designated target group. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the ‘effects of multidisciplinary preventive intervention aimed at reducing stress and depressive symptoms among low-SES women’ (Waerden, et al. 85). The research is important because it addresses the gap of combining exercise with psycho social approaches for low SES women. It is highly relevant because low SES women often do not engage in preventive measures for stress or depression. Moreover, the studies so far have been accompanied by lot of questionnaires and feedbacks that required verbal skills and home assignments which have served as

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compare the structure and activities of a public sector or not for Assignment

Compare the structure and activities of a public sector or not for profit organisation with a similar organisation in the privat - Assignment Example INTRODUCTION Private sector and public sector organizations differ in the way they are managed and operated. The way they are structured helps to facilitate goal achievement. This report compares the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) with Westpac Banking Corporation (Westpac). Reserve Bank of Australia RBA is Australia’s central bank. The objectives of the Bank are set out in its policies – ensuring that the monetary and banking policies are advantageous to the people of Australia (Reserve Bank of Australia 3). In so doing the policies of the bank are designed to ensure stability of Australia’s currency, facilitate full employment; and contribute to economic prosperity and welfare of the Australian people. RBA has a Governor and Deputy Governor as well as a number of boards, committees, groups and departments. They all have their relevant functions which facilitate the proper management of the Bank. The structure of the organization is shown in the organization cha rt in Appendix 1. The Boards include the Reserve Bank Board and the Payments System Board. The Reserve Bank Board has responsibility for monetary and banking related polices while the Payments Systems Board is responsible for polices relating to the payments system. The Governor is the Chairman for both Boards with the Deputy Governor as Deputy Chairman for the Reserve Bank Board. The committees of RBA include the Executive Committee; the Audit Committee; the Remuneration Committee; and the Risk Management Committee. The forum for discussions among heads of functional departments and the Governor and Deputy Governor is provided by the executive committee. The audit committee is chaired by a non-executive board and this should help facilitate the level of independence that is required of members of this committee. The Remuneration Committee is also a committee of the Reserve Bank Board and is drawn from the non-executive members of that Board. The Risk Management Committee is chaired by the Deputy Governor and its responsibility is that of identifying and managing those risks that are not policy related, across the bank. The Groups consists of the Banking and Payments Group; the Corporate Services; the Currency; the Economic; the Financial Markets; and the Financial System Groups. All of these groups have one or more departments that fall under their remit. They provide a range of services for institution. The Banking and Payments Group consists of two departments – the Banking Department and the Payments Settlements Department. The function of the Banking Department includes the provision of a special range of banking and registry services to the departments of the Australian Government, overseas central banks and official institutions. The Payments and Settlements Department on the other hand has the responsibility of settling high valued payments and inter-bank obligations which result ‘from the conduct of Exchange Settlement Accounts andâ€℠¢ the RBA’s own trading activities. Other responsibilities of the Bank and Settlement Department include the operations of the Reserve Bank Information and Transfer System (RITS) which is Australia’s real time gross settlement (RTGS) system. RBA’s Corporate Services Group consists of the Facilities Management Department; the Financial Administration Department; and the Systems and Technology Department (Reserve Bank of

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Advantages Of Studying Abroad Education Essay

The Advantages Of Studying Abroad Education Essay The development of the society is going towards a globalised world where the social, cultural and traditional differences between people are becoming less distinguishable. One of the key factors which has largely influenced in the development of peoples way of understanding and analysing social and cultural values is education which has taken an important place in the new century. Education is an essential foundation for personal, social and economic success in a globalised economy (OECD 2008). International studies are becoming the new trend of young people as a way to expend their education beyond their traditional education style and their everyday world (Spiering and Ericson 2006). Johnson and Mulholland (2006) consider international education as an opportunity to increase the awareness of the people about the culture of the world which can contribute in creating individuals with a broader understanding of issues concerning todays society rather than limiting them in the scope of home educational system. In this point of view, studying abroad students gain the opportunity to learn more about world affairs and increase their acceptance of other countries regardless of the differences in culture or language. Moreover studying in a foreign directly benefits in learning a new language. Pellegrino (1997) argues that study abroad is one of the most effective ways of becoming proficient in a new language. Students who chose to spend a certain amount of time in a country the language they are willing to learn is spoken, have the opportunity to interact with native speakers a fact which would directly influence in the improvement of their linguistic and sociolinguistic skills to achieve real communicative goals, and to experience the tangible and visible manifestations of the culture of the country (Pellegrino 1997). Individuals who have studied abroad in foreign language often demonstrate cognitive development, creative thinking which surpass the abilities of individuals who have educational experiences of their home country only (Kinginger 2007). One of the reasons why studying abroad is becoming more important nowadays considering the effects of globalization, is the international job market. Qiang (2003) observes that there is a significant increase in the number of recruitments regarding the international workforce due to globalization process which has caused the education system, especially higher education, not to be strictly viewed in the national context. Mpinganjira (2009) analyses that the need of being competitive in the international job market has influenced many students to look to opportunities to enhance their career prospects through acquiring high quality education with qualifications that are recognised worldwide. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study is to analyse the advantages of studying abroad from the students point of view and to propose some new ways of thinking for students when evaluating the possibility of studying in a foreign country. The hypothesis to be studied is: students in the Southern and Eastern Europe think that high quality of studies can only be achieved through studying in a Western country. In addition the primary and secondary research will attempt to identify some of the factors that influence in the choice of students regarding their studies. Some of the major objectives of this study are: The guiding factors for young people toward choosing a university abroad rather than going in a local university How important is the financial situation in deciding to study in a foreign university What role plays the learning a new language in deciding in which university to go Identify the opinion of students about the influence that a period of studies would have in their personal life and future career MATERIALS AND METHODS The research process was divided into two major parts which contributed in the collection and analyze of the data. The first part included secondary data collection from different sources related to the subject of research. Some of this sources are used in the paper in order to explain different facts regarding to the topic. The second part consisted of primary data collection through a survey which was designed in accordance to the characteristics of the population it was intended for (see Appendices Survey). The survey was distributed to young people (high school and college students) in Korca, Albania by e-mail. It resulted in 25 respondents out of 50 actually delivered or 50% response rate. In order to increase the number of respondents the survey was redistributed to students in Perrotis College completing the intended number of respondents, 50. After the data were collected Microsoft Excel was used in order to organize the data in tables. Afterwards the data were imported to JMP 8 statistical software where the data were analyzed using tables, charts and other statistical analyses figures. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Characteristics of the population From the analyse of the data using JMP 8 the characteristics of the population were identified. Table 1 contains the full characteristics of the population and the responses retrieved from the survey. No. of partecipants Gender Factors in deciding where to study Would you go to study abroad Why foreign university Advantages of foreign universities Western Universities offer quality 16 male Quality Quality More opportunities personal experience yes 17 male Quality Quality More opportunities quality of studies yes 18 male Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies most likely 19 male Quality Quality Couldnt study in my country Language proficiency yes 20 male Quality Quality Couldnt study in my country Language proficiency yes 21 male Quality Quality Couldnt study in my country personal experience yes 22 male Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies yes 23 male Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies yes 24 male Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies yes 25 male Quality Quality Excellent experience multicultural experience most likely 26 male Quality Quality More opportunities multicultural experience yes 27 male Quality Quality More opportunities personal experience most likely 28 male Quality Quality More opportunities multicultural experience most likely 29 male Quality Quality More opportunities quality of studies yes 30 male Cost Cost Excellent experience Language proficiency yes 31 male Cost Cost Excellent experience multicultural experience yes 32 female Location Location Excellent experience personal experience yes 33 female Location Location More opportunities quality of studies most likely 34 female Quality Quality More opportunities quality of studies yes 35 female Quality Quality Excellent experience quality of studies yes 36 female Quality Quality More opportunities multicultural experience yes 37 female Location Location Couldnt study in my country personal experience yes 38 female Quality Quality Excellent experience Language proficiency yes 39 female Quality Quality More opportunities multicultural experience most likely 40 female Cost Cost More opportunities multicultural experience most likely Distributions Age Age of Respondents Figure 1 Frequencies Level Count Prob 17 18 9 0.18000 18 20 11 0.22000 20 22 22 0.44000 22 24 5 0.10000 above 24 3 0.06000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 5 Levels Figure 1 illustrates the age characteristics of the sample involved in the survey. As it is shown the majority of the respondents belonged in the age group of 20 22 years old which corresponds to the first year of college for many countries. Gender Distribution of the sample by Gender Figure 2 Frequencies Level Count Prob female 19 0.38000 male 31 0.62000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 2 Levels From figure 2 gender characteristics can be understood. The research has been directed to 50 individuals where 62 % or 31 of the respondents were males while 38% or 19 respondents belonged to female gender. Factors in deciding where to study Important factors which influence the students when choosing where to study. Figure 3 Frequencies Level Count Prob Cost 11 0.22000 Location 3 0.06000 Quality 36 0.72000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 3 Levels The above figure summarises some of the most important factors which influence the young people by the most when making a decision about the university they are going to be attending. As shown the most important factor in students opinion, is the quality of studies that a university offers or the fame of the university. Would you go to study abroad The students willingness to study abroad Figure 4 Frequencies Level Count Prob I dont know 22 0.44000 No 2 0.04000 Yes 26 0.52000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 3 Levels When asked about their willingness to continue their studies in a foreign university 52% of the students answered that they would chose a university outside their home country for their studies while, 44% of them answered that their choice would depend on the characteristic of the universities they would go in their country. This part of the questioned sample would go for studies abroad only if the universities in their country would not offer the preferred characteristics for the students. Only 4% of the students answered that they are not considering at all the possibility of studying in a foreign country. Why foreign university Reasons for choosing a foreign university Figure 5 Frequencies Level Count Prob Couldns study in my country 11 0.22000 Exellent experience 18 0.36000 More opportunities 21 0.42000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 3 Levels The majority of the students think that foreign universities offer more opportunities for their future career, therefore, they would go to study abroad. The other part of the students consider studying abroad as an excellent experience in their lives. On the other hand, the minority of the questioned students would go in a foreign university only if they wouldnt be able to study in their preferred university in their countries. Advantages of foreign universities Advantages of studying abroad Figure 6 Frequencies Level Count Prob Linguage proficiency 5 0.10000 multicultural experience 18 0.36000 personal experience 11 0.22000 quality of studies 16 0.32000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 4 Levels Regarding to the advantages that the foreign universities offer compared with studying experiences in the home countries, students are approximately equally divided regarding to what they think are the advantages of studying abroad. 36% of the students consider the multicultural aspect of the studies as the most important factor on studying in a foreign university while 32% emphasise the quality of studies in other countries as the main aspect. Also the possibility of personal experiences and opportunity to know yourself better are very important in students evaluation for a university. While the opportunity of learning a new language proficiently is less important. Financial implications of studies Students opinion about the impact of costs associated with studying abroad Figure 7 Frequencies Level Count Prob Agree 14 0.28000 Dissagree 1 0.02000 Dont know 8 0.16000 Strongly agree 27 0.54000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 4 Levels The biggest part of the students strongly agreed that the cost of studying in a foreign university plays an important role in deciding to go for studies abroad or not. Western Universities offer quality Do western universities offer better quality? Figure 8 Frequencies Level Count Prob most likely 12 0.24000 yes 38 0.76000 Total 50 1.00000 N Missing 0 2 Levels When asked if they think that universities in the Western Europe offer a better quality compared with universities in their own countries, the majority of students, 76% agreed that the universities in the west offer more opportunities for a high quality of studies, while, 24% of them answered that they were not sure on this statement. There were no students to disagree. Contingency Analysis of Western Universities offer quality By Home Country Mosaic Plot Contingency Table Home Country By Western Universities offer quality Count Total % Col % Row % most likely yes Albania 6 12.00 50.00 19.35 25 50.00 65.79 80.65 31 62.00 Bulgaria 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 4.00 5.26 100.00 2 4.00 FYROM 3 6.00 25.00 50.00 3 6.00 7.89 50.00 6 12.00 Greece 1 2.00 8.33 12.50 7 14.00 18.42 87.50 8 16.00 Moldova 1 2.00 8.33 50.00 1 2.00 2.63 50.00 2 4.00 Turkey 1 2.00 8.33 100.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 2.00 12 24.00 38 76.00 50 Tests N DF -LogLike RSquare (U) 50 5 3.7635068 0.1366 Test ChiSquare Prob>ChiSq Likelihood Ratio 7.527 0.1843 Pearson 7.710 0.1730 Discussion In the table above can be observed that the model constraint by the hypothesis has a log-likelyhood of 3.763 while the ChiSquare has a non significant p-value of 0.1843. The hypothesis risen in the beginning that Student from Eastern and Southern Europe think that high quality of studies can only be achieved through studying in a Western country is supported by the values given form the contingency analysis. Therefore the hypothesis is accepted. CONCLUSION

Friday, October 25, 2019

Plastics and Our Environment Essays -- Environmental Impact Ecology Es

Plastics and Our Environment Works Cited Missing Plastics today play an important part in cutting-edge technologies such as the space program, bullet-proof vests and prosthetic limbs, as well as in everyday products such as beverage containers, medical devices and automobiles. Recycled plastics are used to make polymeric timbers for use in picnic tables, fences, and outdoor toys, thus saving natural lumber. Plastic from 2-liter bottles is even being spun into fiber for the production of carpet. They are such a valuable resource, that, as a society, we have become dependent on plastics. It is essential that we develop programs to assure this resource will always be available in the future. Plastics are being used in so many different ways. Whether you are aware of it or not, plastics play and important part in your life. Plastics' versatility allow it to be used in everything from car parts to doll parts, from soft drink bottles to the refrigerators they are stored in. From the car you drive to work in to the television you watch when you get home, plastics help make your life easier and better. So how is it that plastics have become so widely used? How did plastics become the material of choice for so many varied applications? The simple answer is that plastics are the material that can provide the things consumers want and need. Plastics have the unique capability to be manufactured to meet very specific functional needs for consumers. So maybe there's another q...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Case 9: Horniman Horticulture Essay

1. Strengths: – Profitability Ratios: Constant growth from 2002-05, particularly year 2004 and 2005 with impressive growth in revenue with12.5% and 15.5% respectively, much higher than the benchmark just -1.8%. Gross, operating and net profit margin were all performing better than the benchmarks. – Management: Co-owner Bob Brown has been brought up to value a strong work ethic, which he has obtained through his father since at young age by working for his father at the mill. After finishing his study, he returned to the mill and excelled at his job (supervisor) and was highly respected. Bob was a â€Å"people person†, his warm personality made beloved by all customers and employees. Weaknesses: – Activity Ratios: takes increasingly time to receive payments from sales – 51 days year 2005 (far exceeded the benchmark – 22 days). Days of inventory on hand (476 days) has been increased gradually much higher than the benchmark (386 days). Payables turnover (10 days) is too short compared with the benchmark (27 days) and slowly declined as years pass by. – Liquidity problems seen through cash on hand kept decreasing since 2002 and sharply reduced in 2005 probably resulted from the issue that quick payables and slow receivables happened simultaneously every year. Since 2005, they had not reach their target balance of 8% cash over total revenue (fell to 0.9% – 2005) 2. Free cash flow to the owners of the firm (FCFE) for 2005: FCFE = Operating Cash Flow – Change in Net Working Capital – Change in Investments |Operating profit | |100.0 | | − Taxes | |39.2 | | + Depreciation | |40.9 | |Operating cash flow |101.7 | | − Capital expenditure | | (4.5) | | − Increase in NWC | |(156.3) | | Increase in CA |803.3 – 642.9 = 160.4 | | |- Increase in CL |47.3 – 43.2 = (4.1) | | |Free cash flow | |(59.10) | Cash cycle of the business for 2005: CCC = Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO) + Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) – Days Payables Outstanding (DPO) = 476 + 51 – 10 = 517 (days) Using cash: Even though HH had rapidly increased gross profit, operating profit and net profit since 2002, the firm’s cash balance had massively declined from $120,100 (2002) to $9,400 (2005). Increasing in inventory as extending property by 12-acres, with an expected capital expenditure of $75,000 in 2006, HH has also increased their product range by 40%. Therefore cash has been used a lot in this period. The firm’s credit terms have been improved as HH offers longer payment periods for customer (DSO of 51 days), firm’s payment of purchases within 10 days (DPO) to receive a 2% discount, this shows that HH is making payments five times faster than receiving them. DIO is also a concern that HH has a hand in, HH is choosing to focus on more maturing plants, therefore its inventory will naturally be longer than the benchmark, in fact, HH’s lowest end was still 10% over the benchmark. 3. The growth trend would be expected to be stronger in 2006. However the cash deficit is still a significant issue due to both capital expenditure and working capital would be further increased in order to maintain the business expansion. Therefore, they need to work out some financial leverage to solve this problem. |Projected Horniman Horticulture Financial Summary (in thousands of dollars) | | | | | | | | | | |2002 |2003 |2004 |2005 |2006E |20% | |Profit and loss statement | | | | | | | |Revenue |788.50 |807.60 |908.20 |1048.80 |1258.56 | | | Cost of goods sold |402.90 |428.80 |437.70 |503.40 |630.49 | | | |51.10% |53.10% |48.19% |48.00% |50.10% |Percentage of Sales | |Gross profit |385.60 |378.80 |470.50 |545.40 |628.07 | | |SG&A expense |301.20 |302.00 |356.00 |404.50 |482.53 | | | |38.20% |37.39% |39.20% |38.57% |38.34% |Percentage of Sales | |Depreciation |34.20 |38.40 |36.30 |40.90 |37.45 |Average over 4 years | | Operating profit |50.20 |38.40 |78.20 |100.00 |108.09 | | |Taxes |17.60 |13.10 |26.20 |39.20 |42.37 | | | |35.06% |34.11% |33.50% |39.20% |39.20% |Similar as year 2005 | | Net profit |32.60 |25.30 |52.00 |60.80 |65.72 | | | | | | | | | | |Balance sheet | | | | | | | |Cash |120.10 |105.20 |66.80 |9.40 |13.43 | | |Accounts receivable |90.60 |99.50 |119.50 |146.40 |160.24 | | | |11.49% |12.32% |13.16% |13.96% |12.73% |Percentage of Sales | |Inventory |468.30 |507.60 |523.40 |656.90 |763.03 | | | |59.39% |62.85% |57.63% |62.63% |60.63% |Percentage of Sales | |Other current assets |20.90 |19.30 |22.60 |20.90 |20.93 |Average over 4 years | | Current assets |699.90 |731.60 |732.30 |833.60 |957.62 | | |Net fixed assets |332.10 |332.50 |384.30 |347.90 |300.10 | | | Total assets |1032.00 |1064.10 |1116.60 |1181.50 |1257.72 | | | | | | | | | | |Accounts payable |6.00 |5.30 |4.50 |5.00 |5.20 |Average over 4 years | |Wages payable |19.70 |22.00 |22.10 |24.40 |31.41 | | | |2.50% |2.72% |2.43% |2.33% |2.50% |Percentage of Sales | |Other payables |10.20 |15.40 |16.60 |17.90 |21.19 | | | |1.29% |1.91% |1.83% |1.71% |1.68% |Percentage of Sales | | Current liabilities |35.90 |42.70 |43.20 |47.30 |57.80 | | | Net worth |996.10 |1021.40 |1073.40 |1134.20 |1199.92 | | | | | | | | | | |Capital expendit ure |22.00 |38.80 |88.10 |4.50 |75.00 | | |Purchases |140.80 |145.20 |161.20 |185.10 |224.13 | | | |17.86% |17.98% |17.75% |17.65% |17.81% |Percentage of Sales | 4. The company’s accounts-payable policy: Currently the firm’s DSO was 10 days (in order to receive a 2% discount), approx. 2.7 times as fast as the benchmark of 27 days. This policy is not suitable as their current credit terms offered to customer up to 51 days, which is double the benchmark. The firm’s net profit margin was 5.8% (the benchmark is just 2.8% – 2005), so HH does not need to continuously make payment to suppliers early (adversely, HH should take advantage of the offered credit terms allowing firm 30 days to payback for purchased goods), and also HH will also reduce the credit terms even though the sales probably drops, which would leave more cash available for firm as well as the cash cycle will be shorter so that the business will avoid the insufficient liquidity of the cash. If HH does not change the policy, in the long run, the shortage of cash may adversely influence the purchasing power and operating capacity of the business and further business’s profitability. 5. What can the company do to solve its cash problem? – Offers discount payment terms (i.e. 2% discount if payments are received within 10 days): enable HH to collect cash immediately. – Takes advantage of the offered credit terms (allow firm 30 days to payback the purchased goods): keeps more cash for operating activities in long-term period. – Slows down the expansion pace to decrease the capital expenditure. Starts selling product ranges that are not â€Å"instant landscape† plants (as these take a long time to mature and also can eliminate some risks for keeping the plants for longer periods of time – feature of this industry: rely heavily on weather that is unpredictable) – Raising funds: starts financing through debt, also can receive the tax shield benefit on interest payments. Transforms business from sole proprietorship into partnership in effort of not only increasing cash available for business but also receiving contributions of property, labor and skills form partners. 6. Calculate the sustainable growth of the company in 2005: |Sustainable growth = ROA x Leverage x Retention | | |5.36% | |ROA (Net profit / Total assets) | | | |5.15% | |Leverage (Total Assets/Net Worth) | | | |1.04 | |Retention (1- Dividend Payout ratio) | | | |1.00 | |Economic profit = (ROA – Cost of capital) x Total Assets | |-57.35 | |Cost of capital | | | |10.00% | |Total Assets | | | |1181.50 | |Net Worth | | | |1134.20 | The negative economic profit shows that the firm does not earn a sufficient return on capital. The firm is facing their dismissing level of cash and as a result, the negative cash level in the forthcoming years will be clearly observed. As shown above, the majority of the firm’s cash expenditure is held up in inventory (with cash cycle being 517 days compared with the benchmark of 381 days) and account receivables (due to the collection policy). The trade-off that company has to face is an increase in their credit terms. Even though this may reduce the sales volume, the company will probably avoid the risk involved with having a more mature product range.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ontela Picdeck Harvard Case Essay

Ontela designed a revolutionary product which allows wireless subscribers to seamlessly transfer data from the consumer’s wireless phone and send it to an email inbox, PC, or website. This allows consumers to use their wireless device more frequently, which generates more revenue for the industry in mobile phone services. Joe Levy, Ontela’s director of carrier marketing, assisted with PicDeck’s segmentation in determining the appropriate target audience. Below you will find an analysis on PicDeck’s choices regarding customer segmentation and evaluation on their data; supporting that research proves their target audience are primarily middle-aged married women and men. SWOT Analysis Issues Short-term †¢Best way to determine the right target audience †¢Making PicDeck more conceptually-friendly so consumers can better understand it user-friendly functions Long-term †¢How could Ontela balance the needs of the subscribers with the carrier’s goals of decreasing churn and increasing ARPU? †¢What is the next big idea to keep company ahead of the game (please help rephrase) Problem Statement: For future growth, the industry will need to continue being creative and innovative in seeking out added services such as data and wireless Internet use to increase yearly revenue; how can Ontela and their counterparts target the right consumers which will utilize both without compromising ARPU? Case Response: Section A 1. Based on the three customer personas, which customer segment should Ontela target? a.Ontela’s objective was to increase the use of wireless carrier service and increase average revenue per user (ARPU). In order to do this the organization conducted a segmentation research to select the right Personas, which will determine how to allocate their resources and time for consumers who use their cell phones and cameras the most. Based on this criteria Sarah, the parent should be considered as the primary target. It is important to consider that women control or influence the purchase of 80% of all consumer goods, including such items as stock for investments, personal computers, and others (2011, Boone). This will automatically include Regina, the teen into the equation, which will automatically boost both revenue and data usage. According with some cell phones statistics from the Defakto Company: †¢55% of mobile social networks usage that is female. †¢42% more likely working moms are than average cellular users to download content to their cell phones †¢42% of women post photos on Facebook (2010, Vermon) Therefore, for this specific scenario, the target should be a female from age 15 to 45 years old, which are the ages for the generations that have lived through the technological changes. In order to narrow more of the target audience, a psychographic segmentation will be necessary. The organization would need to know the typical values and lifestyle of the women who use cell phones cameras, for this purpose we can use tools as VAL which classify consumer by psychological characteristics. 2. Create a positioning statement for your chosen persona and identify the key themes that should be emphasized in the messaging for the PicDeck service to this segment. a.Positioning statement for PicDeck: For the wireless subscribers who want to transfer picture to their computers, email inbox, and mobile devices, the PicDeck provides the most effective way to download and manage pictures. Unlike the currently complex and limited methods we have today, the PicDeck allows the transfer of pictures to any pre-designated destination without the need to press any extra buttons. 3. What are the risks of using qualitative personas to select target customer segments? a.The customer personas and the goal of the organization should be aligned with one another to ensure the company’s cohesiveness and allow them to determine their target customer. The use of personas is useful in marketing to understand the customer behavior, so the personas should represent attributes of the target audience that we want to reach. In using qualitative personas we are assuming that the people represented have similar expectations and goals, and we are not considering important issues as culture and race; and that’s when it becomes risky for the business. This can cause the company to lose revenue because a product of this caliber is universal and therefore the company has no need lock themselves to a certain type of customer when all types of customers can utilize the product. Section B 4. Which segment(s) would you recommend as a target for PicDeck? Explain the logic behind your choice. a.Using demographic segmentation has been a useful tool in determining which customers to target in promoting their product. According to exhibit 4 in section B the strongest response in the surveys came from middle aged married consumers and/or male wireless subscribers. There is additional statistical research supporting this data from the customer personas; which a middle-age married woman with a teenager has the need for this produce and the purchasing power to attain it. In addition, Exhibit 2 consistently illustrates that the middle age consumer wants a device that is easier to transfer photos to their PCs, email, or social website. By continuing using demographic segmentation they can place more focus on income, education, and occupations within middle aged married consumers and males; which this may address Mr. Levy’s concerns regarding the increasing and/or maintaining ARPUs. 5. Develop a positioning statement for your selected target customer(s) the key benefits of the PicDeck service and how the service is differentiated from alternative that customers might consider. a.For the up-to-date Mom and professional savvy male who is looking for timeless convenience the PicDeck Mobile provides fast and clear pictures of your loved ones or Power Point to your boss. Unlike archaic digital cameras the PicDeck can seamlessly send that memory or great idea before you can say cheese. In conclusion Ontela’s Picdeck was definitely on the right path. Looking at today’s society people are using this product every day. Whether it’s a person taking pictures with their smartphone, and instantly sending it to their Facebook page or a fellow student snapping a shot of the groups contact sheet and sending the document via email to the group members; everyone values the product for its convenience and accessibility. It has now become the â€Å"norm† function of a phone. Therefore, Levy’s positioning strategy to ensure the solvency of his company; in addition, addressing carriers’ goals seems as a success with the continuing growth of this industry.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Air Force Training Program Essays

Air Force Training Program Essays Air Force Training Program Essay Air Force Training Program Essay An Air Force introductory course in electronics uses a personalized system of instruction whereby each student views a videotaped lecture and then is given a programmed instruction text. The students work with the text until they have completed the training and passed the test. The pace at which the students complete the course varies and the faster students wait until the others complete before the entire group proceeds further. An alternative system, whereby students viewed the same video-taped lecture and then guided by computer-assisted instruction in place of the programmed text, was proposed. It is the goal of the institute to analyze and compare the efficiencies of both the methods and then to determine the most efficient method of training. Statistical analysis was performed to determine the method that had better pace and consistency of completion. From the analysis, it was concluded that the computer-assisted method enabled more students to complete the course together than before but not sooner on an average. Additional data and a more effective method of testing is required in order to predict more accurately the efficient method that can be used as the training program in the future. CASE BACKGROUND An Air Force training institute had conducted a study in order to evaluate efficiency of their proposed computer-assisted training method for the introductory course in electronics. To compare the proposed and the current methods of instruction, an entering class of 122 students was assigned randomly to one of the two groups of 61 students each using either of the methods. The completion time in hours was taken for each student in the study. The objective is to find the difference in the population means of the two training methods; to identify the most effective method of instruction and to make a final decision on the training program to be used in the future. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS As an alternative to the current training method, a new computer-assisted method was proposed. To evaluate the effectiveness of this method, a class of 122 students was assigned randomly to one of the training methods therefore forming two groups of 61 each. The course completion time taken (in hours) by the students, of both the groups were collected. Descriptive summaries for the completion times of both the methods were obtained using MS Excel tool and the measures of central tendency and variability were hence found so that the data could be understood better. This study involves two populations: a population of students using the current training method and a population of students using the proposed computer-assisted training method. In terms of time required to complete the training program, the population means are as follows:  µ1 = the mean course completion time for students using the current training method  µ2 = the mean course completion time for students using the proposed computer-assisted training method The institute hopes to show that the computer-assisted training method will provide a shorter mean course completion time and that the entire group proceeds together with other aspects for the training. Thus, evidence to conclude that  µ2 is less than  µ1; in this case, the difference between the two population means,  µ1  µ2, will be greater than zero. The research hypothesis  µ1  µ2 gt;0 is stated as the alternative hypothesis. Thus, the hypothesis test becomes H0: The computer-assisted training method does not provide smaller population mean course completion time than the current method i. e. ,  µ1  µ2 ? 0 H1: The computer-assisted training method provides smaller population mean course completion time than the current method i. e. ,  µ1  µ2 gt; 0 The level of significance is taken as 5%. The test statistic‘t’ was performed for this case using the paired t-test analysis tool in MS Excel, with hypothesized mean difference as zero and assuming equal variances. The calculated value and critical value, with ? =0. 05, of the test statistic were found and the rejection rule for the right-sided test (reject H0 if zcal gt; z? ) was used to decide about the validity of the null hypothesis. RESULTS AND FINDINGS The measures of central tendency and variability of the completion time taken by the students who used the two methods were determined. The sample means of course completion time for the current and computer-assisted training method were found to be 75. 066 hours and 75. 426 hours respectively. The sample mean completion time for the proposed method was found to be 21. mins more than that for the current method, which shows that the students on an average have slightly taken more time than earlier. The sample standard deviations for the same were determined as 3. 945 and 2. 506, and the co-efficients of variance were 5. 3% and 3. 3%. The pace of completion is seen to be more consistent and less varying for the entire group using the compute r-assisted method. Also, the maximum time taken for this group is lesser than that taken for the current method. According to the rejection rule for the right-sided test, reject H0 if zcal gt; z?. From the hypothesis testing, it was found that the critical value of the test statistic was 1. 658 and the calculated value was -0. 603. Therefore the decision taken is: Do not reject H0, as there is no enough evidence the computer-assisted training method provides smaller population mean course completion time. As the null hypothesis cannot be rejected there is a possibility for the two population means to be equal. CONCLUSION The alternative system of computer–assisted instruction was proposed in order to improve the pace of the course completion by all the students of the program. Using the current programmed instruction text method, the fast students had to wait until the slow students completed the introductory course before the entire group proceeds together with other aspects of training. This gap in the course completion is expected to be rectified by the new computer-assisted method and also to improve the pace of the learning. The hypothesis testing has shown that there is not enough evidence that the computer-assisted training method provides smaller population mean course completion time i. . for the all the students in the program. Therefore, the new method can be helpful for the whole set of students to complete the course more or less together but may not quicken the completion process. More data is required in order to prove that the new method is more efficient in terms of quicker and more consistent pace of completion. The new method may be more effective with the students getting used to the system and hence the test must be performed again aft er a certain time gap for another course perhaps. Another considerable fact is that the two samples are independent, and so the performance level and the learning speed of the students in the two groups are different. This may have an effect on the pace of course completion and hence, it can be suggested that the test be done with the same set of students for both the methods. The introductory course test may be conducted in two phases: the first using the text method and the second with the computer-assisted method, so that the syllabus is different for each test. Additionally, the data of the performance levels and the learning speed of the students may be included and a multiple regression analysis be done in order to determine their influence on the course completion time taken by the students, therefore enabling to analyze the efficiency of the two methods. In this manner, matched samples of same students can be used to identify the most efficient method of training more accurately. REFERENCES: Ken Black. Business Statistics: Contemporary Decision Making, 3rd ed. Thomson Learning, 2001. Anderson, Sweeny and Williams. Statistics for Business and Economics, 9e. Cengage Learning, 2010.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Direct Managers Letter of Recommendation for an Employee

Direct Manager's Letter of Recommendation for an Employee SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What does a good recommendation letter look like? Below you’ll find a sample letter written by a direct manager for an employee who works in software sales. If you’re responsible for managing or leading a team, chances are you’ll be called upon to write similar letters. Read on to see how this manager endorses one member of his sales team, and then check out the breakdown of what this letter does well. Sample Letter #1: Written by a Manager for a Full-Time Employee Ms. Greta JohanssenSales ManagerStreambase Corp.66 Western BoulevardSanta Fe, New Mexico 87500 Dear Ms. Johanssen, It’s my pleasure to provide this letter of recommendation for James as he seeks employment in software sales with Streambase. As James’s sole direct manager at Waretech, I’ve worked closely with him over the past three years, sharing the same open office space the majority of the time. James showed excellent communication skills and consistently exceeded company quotas. On a personal level, he’s charismatic and well-spoken, both qualities that have served him well in his role as software sales professional. Due to his wife’s cross-country transfer, James is seeking employment out west. All of us at Waretech will be sad to see such a valuable employee go, but our loss is truly your gain. Allow me to point out three examples of James’s strengths. First, James brought great value to Waretech by consistently exceeding quotas and selling in the top 15% of his peers. James has an understanding of market trends and instincts for identifying and pursuing qualified leads. Not only does he provide stellar service to existing clients, but he’s established a number of new business-to-business and business-to-customer accounts during his time at Waretech. Last fall, for instance, he added Voxacorp to our client list, a huge acquisition, and has been working closely with its IT department ever since. James has the combination of business acumen and communication skills that makes him an outstanding salesperson. Second, James has a very strong grasp of technology. He knows our software inside and out and helps relay technical information to customers in an accessible way. He explains our products clearly to customers and makes the most of technological avenues to gain new leads and customize his sales pitch to clients. During an early review, I observed him discuss in detail with a prospective client the specific ways that our software could boost the sales of her online bakery. By monitoring clients’ presence across our website and blog, he provides each one with personalized service to meet his/her needs. James makes the most of technology to find new prospects, provide modern solutions, and drive results. Finally, James has proven himself to be a strong cultural fit here at Waretech. He’s always ready to lend a helping hand to his teammates and contributes during brainstorming sessions and meetings between the sales and marketing teams. Last month, James co-led an enlightening meeting on content marketing and account management. Outside of official events, James also takes turns leading weekly spin classes at our in-house gym. James is an active member of the Waretech team and supports his colleagues professionally and personally (not to mention athletically!). In closing, I’d like to restate my strong support for James’s application to the role of software sales professional with Streambase. I’m confident that he will surpass your expectations in this new role. James is driven, self-confident, proactively helpful, and smart, and I know he will continue to find success in sales. Please feel free to contact me at (866) 8-5546 or with any other questions. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Samuel SaasmanSales ManagerWaretech, 8-5546 Based on this letter, should James pack his bags and get ready to move out west? Recommendation Letter 1: The Breakdown This first recommendation letter sample represents a common type of letter,one written by a direct manager for an employee who’s applying to a new company. Right off the bat, the writer gives a strong statement of support for James by saying that it’s his great pleasure to provide the recommendation. If he started by simply saying, â€Å"I am writing this letter of recommendation for James,† it wouldn’t have quite the same impact. Samuel Saasman incorporates the first key feature of strong letters by stating who he is and how he got to know James. He also indicates the reason that James is applying elsewhere. Including this information can be useful for the hiring manager, especially if it’s followed by a statement of support like, â€Å"Our loss is truly your gain.† Samuel structures his letter by presenting three of James’s major strengths: his sales record, his use of technology, and his relationships with his co-workers. This structure can be an effective one for recommendation letters; some writers might choose to use bullet points to clarify their thinking. Samuel writes about James’s qualifications while incorporating specific examples in each paragraph to illustrate his work performance. Since James is applying to a similar position in software sales, all of the strengths described relate directly to the requirements of his target job. Samuel recommends James with highly positive language. He repeats his strong support of James several times and his confidence in his future success. He seems to have chosen with words carefully, using strong descriptors like â€Å"charismatic,† â€Å"driven,† and â€Å"proactively helpful.† As is the custom for recommendation letters, he concludes by inviting the hiring manager to contact him with any further questions. Overall, Samuel writes a glowing letter for James’s application to a new job in software sales. His high opinion is evident, and his examples prove that James has the qualifications to excel in his next position. What's Next? Ready for the next recommendation letter sample? Click hear to read a sample letter written by a principal for a teacher applying to a new school. Want to learn more? If you want to readabout what goes into a strong letter of recommendation or find additional samples, you can head tothe full guide here. Want to provide a strong recommendation for your employee, but don't have the time to craft the perfect letter? PrepScholar's new recommendation tool, SimpleRec, takes you from good intentions and a blank page to a fully written and formatted letter of recommendation in under 5 minutes. All you need to do is give us some simple pieces of information about your employee and your experience working with them, and we'll do the rest. Try out SimpleRec risk-free today: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Rebecca Safier About the Author Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Saturday, October 19, 2019


In an upscale neighborhood, then perhaps it could argue that Its failure to provide security patrols Is reasonable. If the business Is located In a crime-ridden area, When briefing a case, your goal is to reduce the information from the case Into a format that will provide you with a helpful reference in class and for review. Most Importantly, by briefing a case, you will grasp the problem the court faced (the issuel the relevant law the court used to olve it (the rule) how the court applied the rule to the facts (the application or analysisb and the outcome (the conclusion). You will then be ready to not only discuss the case, but to compare and contrast it to other cases involving a similar issue. Before attempting to brief a case, read the case at least once, Follow the IRAC method in briefing cases: Facts* Write a brief summary of the facts as the court found them to be. Eliminate facts that are not relevant to the courts analysis. For example, a businesss street address is probably not relevant to the courts decision ot the issue ot whether the business that old a detective product Is able for the resulting Injuries to the plaintiff. However, suppose a customer who was assaulted as she left Its store Is suing the business. The customer claims that her Injuries were the reasonably foreseeable result of the businesss failure to provide security patrols. If the business Is then perhaps the customer Is right. Instead of Including the street address In the case brief, you may want to simply describe the type of neighborhood in which it Is located. Note: the time of day would be another relevant factor in this case, among others). Procedural History* What court authored the opinion: The united States Supreme Court? The California Court of Appeal? The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals? (Hint: Check under the title of the case: The Court and year of the decision will be given). If a trial court issued the decision, is it based on a trial, or motion for summary judgment, etc.? If an appellate court issued the decision, how did the lower courts decide the case? Issue What is the question presented to the court? Usually, only one issue will be discussed, but sometimes there will be more. What are the parties fighting about, nd what are they asking the court to decide? For example, in the case of the assaulted customer, the issue for a trial court to decide might be whether the business had a duty to the customer to provide security patrols. The answer to the question will help to ultimately determine * This applies to case briefs only, and not exams. use the IRAC method In answering exams: Issue,Rule/Andlysls/Concluslon. hether the business Is liable for negligently failing to provide security patrols: whether the defendant owed plaintiff a duty of care, and what that duty of care Is, re key Issues in negligence claims. Rule(s): Determine what the relevant rules of law are that the court uses to make its decision. These rules will be identified and discussed by the court. For example, in the case of the assaulted customer, the relevant rule of law is that a property owners duty to prevent ha rm to invitees is determined by balancing the foreseeability of the harm against the burden of preventive measures. There may be more than one relevant rule of law to a case: for example, in a negligence case in which the defendant argues hat the plaintiff assumed the risk of harm, the relevant rules of law could be the elements of negligence, and the definition of assumption of risk as a defense. Dont just simply list the cause of action, such as negligence as a rule of law: What rule must the court apply to the facts to determine the outcome? Application/Analysis: This may be the most important portion of the brief. The court will have examined the facts in light of the rule, and probably considered all sides and arguments presented to it. How courts apply the rule to the facts and analyze the case must be nderstood in order to properly predict outcomes in future cases involving the same issue. What does the court consider to be a relevant fact given the rule of law? How does the court interpret the rule: for example, does the court consider monetary costs of providing security patrols in weighing the burden of preventive measures? Does the court imply that if a business is in a dangerous area, then it should be willing to bear a higher cost for security? Resist the temptation to merely repeat what the court said in analyzing the facts: what does it mean to you? Summarize the ourts rationale in your own words. If you encounter a word that you do not know, use a dictionary to find its meaning. Conclusion What was the final outcome of the case? In one or two sentences, state the courts ultimate finding. For example, the business did not owe the assaulted customer a duty to provide security patrols. Note: Case briefing is a skill that you will develop throughout the semester. Practice will help you develop this skill. Periodically, case briefs will be collected for purposes of feedback. At any time, you may submit your case brief(s) for feedback.

Friday, October 18, 2019

18th-20th Century the growth of the three ideologies Essay

18th-20th Century the growth of the three ideologies - Essay Example The third part of the world subscribed to the authoritarian/ Fascist ideology. The western democracies such as the United States of America, Britain, Australia, France, New Zealand, Canada and other nations were based on an ideology known as liberal democracy. Countries such as Germany and Italy on the other hand were based on the authoritarian/ Fascist ideology even as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) represented the Marxist communist ideology. Liberal democracy is a political system that attempts to uphold and propagate civil liberties guarding them from interference from government, powerful entities, and institutions in the society. It controls the government’s involvement in matters that affect the citizens politically, morally and economically. This system operates based on four main principles; belief in individual (assuming that an individual is reasonable and moral); belief in reason and progress (assuming growth to be part of humanity); consensual theory of society; and a suspicion of concentrated forms of power (Australia Politics par. 3). The organization of liberal democracies is such that it defines and limits power, promoting a legitimate government through justice and liberty. In America, the constitution has always been used as a means of limiting power. Other measures put together in an attempt to control power include the separation of major government arms such as judiciary, legislation, and executive. On the other hand, the government requires huge support that it draws from an election system that frequently upholds popular, free and fair elections. Freedom is a fundamental aspect in this system, especially freedom of choice. The capacity to choose from options must be available. Besides that, the system must uphold respect for civil and political freedom. Certain countries such as Britain have a slightly different kind of democracy; it is a constitutional monarchy. In this system

Reflection and refraction Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection and refraction - Lab Report Example The diagrams demonstrate the concept of reflection and refraction. In the diagram above, a light ray strikes the mirror at a specific point, and the reflected ray is projected. The law of reflection state that the angle of incidence (i) and the angle of reflection (r ) are equal. The experiment demonstrated specular reflection because it involved the use of smooth surfaces to demonstrated the behavior of light waves. The experiment aided in confirming the three laws of reflection (Strong 8), which include: The refraction experiment involved the observation of how light waves behave as they travel through air and water. Generally, the incident ray is partially reflected and refracted. Theoretically, the concept of refraction is explained Snell’s law, which states that the ratio of the sines of the angle of reflection and the angle of reflection are equivalent to the ratio produced by the phase velocities in the two media in which the wave travels (Dekker 168). The change in the direction as light travels from one medium to the next was observed when the straight pencil observed in water appeared bent at the water surface. The pencil was placed in a slanted position because refraction cannot occur if the angle of incidence is zero degrees. The pencil appeared slant as shown in Fig 2 because the light rays bend as they pass from air into water. The speed and wavelength of the light rays changed while the frequency was constant. When the bent rays reach the eye, they are interpreted as straight lines of sight. The straight lines of sight interpreted by the eye intersect at a position that is higher than the actual origin the rays. Thus, the water appears shallow and pencil much higher than its original depth. The behavior of light in different media is explained by the refractive index. Reflection and refraction concepts have been applied in the field of thin film

What are the main problems in China that can derail its economic Essay - 1

What are the main problems in China that can derail its economic growth - Essay Example The exports of China have reduced significantly in the recent years. In March 2012, the Chinese government declared that the Chinese economy and its gross domestic product (GDP) are expected to grow at a slower rate of around 7.5% during the year 2012. The slowdown in the rate of economic growth in China had an adverse impact on the overall condition of the global economy. This is so because China is responsible for around 20 percent of the total economic output of the world. Besides, many Asian countries are also highly dependent on the Chinese economy and its market conditions (Hart, 2012). It would be a daunting task for most of the multinational corporations engaged in the manufacturing industrial sector to register significant profits if the Chinese economic growth rate slows down. The Central Bank of China has already started taking steps through reduction in the interest rates to help the economic recovery process of China and boost the lending process in the country. This ste p was taken up by the Chinese Central Bank to protect the country’s economy from the adverse effect of ongoing financial crisis situation in the European nations. The eminent economists worldwide suggest that capital infusion would not be able to solve these growth issues of the Chinese economy in an effective manner. It is so because with the increase in funds being pumped into the economy by the Chinese government would ultimately lead to increased consumer costs and inflation. Previously it was projected that China would experience a robust economic growth in the future but there are many barriers in the path of the economic development of the country. Some of those barriers include bureaucracy, shortage in energy, reducing levels of export because of decreasing demand of Chinese manufactured products in some of the major markets like UK and USA, social unrest in the country, increase in aging Chinese population, and so on. According to a report published by BBC News in th e month of July 2012, China experienced a slowdown in its economic growth rate to around 7.6 percent. This study entails about discussing and analysing the various negative effects that certain economic factors are having on the Chinese economic growth at present and in the foreseeable future. China contributes significantly towards the overall growth of the world economy. Hence, unstable and unsustainable Chinese economy is having a significant impact in deterring the global economic condition. This study would try to shed light on some of the major problems faced by China which can be responsible for slowing down the economic growth rate of the nation in the forthcoming years. Five such major factors have been discussed in details in this study. They are : a) International trade and exports by China, b) Problems related to Chinese currency and the foreign exchange regulations prevalent in the country, c) Problems associated with the increasing aging population of the country, d) T he rising levels of income inequality within the country, and e) The present bad conditions of the Chinese banking industry. All these five reasons can hinder the path of economic development of China in a significant manner. The central idea of this study is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Decision Making As a Critical Part of Good Management Essay

Decision Making As a Critical Part of Good Management - Essay Example This report is based on certain scenarios of NENE, Benjamin and Peters Limited that are faced with different situations and require financial decision making on the choice of project, company evaluation as well as production decisions. The report will use financial calculations of various business analysis tools to help with the decision making. The report will be confined to the information provided in the particular case studies when making decisions. Other outside sources such as books and journals are also used to reinforce certain calculations, principles and analysis tools when making decisions concerning particular case studies. Alpha Payback period: 2 years (representing the year just before the cumulative cash flow becomes positive) + 31/38 (representing the remaining period for the project to achieve the zero cumulative cash flow amount). Therefore, the Payback period for project Alpha will be 231/38 years or 2.82 years. Beta Payback period: 3 years (representing the last year where the cumulative cash flow is still negative) + 5/35 (representing the proportion of years left for the last negative cash flow amount to become zero). Therefore, the Payback period for Beta project will be 3 5/35 years or 3.14years. The Average annual Operating profit is calculated by adding up all the operating profits provided for the six years period and dividing by the number of years. This comes to (205,000 / 6) = 34, 167.7 equivalent to 34,200 pounds. But this is the amount of depreciation. With the annual depreciation rate being 18,000 (100,000 – 10,000) / 5 = 18,000 pounds, the average annual operating profit will be the average annual profit minus depreciation. Which is 16,200 (34,200 – 18,000). This is the amount of depreciation. To advise NENE Limited on the most appropriate project to undertake, all the four appraisal methods must be evaluated. To begin with, using the cash flows of the two projects, it is vividly clear that that project Alpha seems a good project as it has more cash flow ( £105,000) than project Beta ( £83,000).  Ã‚  

Managing In golbal market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Managing In golbal market - Essay Example This internationalisation strategy report identifies two viable markets for entry, Kuwait and Brazil. In Kuwait, consumers are experiencing increased disposable income levels and consumer behaviour factors represent favourable conditions for consumer acceptance of Taco Bell and its diverse product lines. Brazil maintains stable economic conditions and also encouraging consumer behaviour which can enhance Taco Bell’s ability to improve its internationally-based revenue stream. With the chain’s intention of opening one new store, internationally, every few days (Wong 2014), Brazil and Kuwait can ensure this goal is achieved and market conditions in these two countries represent stability upon market entry. This strategy report utilises many strategic models to analyse market conditions in Brazil and Kuwait as viable markets for the chain’s growth. The report’s deliverables include a full understanding of the political, economic and social factors of both markets, the competitive environment, and specific strategic initiatives that must be established to make market entry a success and ensure profit longevity. The threats and risks in both markets are also identified that might contribute to challenges upon market entry with appropriate recommendations for overcoming any barriers to entering both markets. The Kuwaiti government recognises the opportunities for attracting foreign investment. Recently, Kuwait has established a Free Trade Zone in the city of Shuwaikh, a region closely adjacent to the Iran border, a region sustaining an important international airport, and sustaining a shipping port that facilitates recurring movement of goods via water transport systems. This Free Trade Zone provides foreign companies with complete tax exemption on earnings for 10 years upon market entry (Singh 2010). Hence, the endeavours of the Kuwaiti government to entice foreign investment provide Taco

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What are the main problems in China that can derail its economic Essay - 1

What are the main problems in China that can derail its economic growth - Essay Example The exports of China have reduced significantly in the recent years. In March 2012, the Chinese government declared that the Chinese economy and its gross domestic product (GDP) are expected to grow at a slower rate of around 7.5% during the year 2012. The slowdown in the rate of economic growth in China had an adverse impact on the overall condition of the global economy. This is so because China is responsible for around 20 percent of the total economic output of the world. Besides, many Asian countries are also highly dependent on the Chinese economy and its market conditions (Hart, 2012). It would be a daunting task for most of the multinational corporations engaged in the manufacturing industrial sector to register significant profits if the Chinese economic growth rate slows down. The Central Bank of China has already started taking steps through reduction in the interest rates to help the economic recovery process of China and boost the lending process in the country. This ste p was taken up by the Chinese Central Bank to protect the country’s economy from the adverse effect of ongoing financial crisis situation in the European nations. The eminent economists worldwide suggest that capital infusion would not be able to solve these growth issues of the Chinese economy in an effective manner. It is so because with the increase in funds being pumped into the economy by the Chinese government would ultimately lead to increased consumer costs and inflation. Previously it was projected that China would experience a robust economic growth in the future but there are many barriers in the path of the economic development of the country. Some of those barriers include bureaucracy, shortage in energy, reducing levels of export because of decreasing demand of Chinese manufactured products in some of the major markets like UK and USA, social unrest in the country, increase in aging Chinese population, and so on. According to a report published by BBC News in th e month of July 2012, China experienced a slowdown in its economic growth rate to around 7.6 percent. This study entails about discussing and analysing the various negative effects that certain economic factors are having on the Chinese economic growth at present and in the foreseeable future. China contributes significantly towards the overall growth of the world economy. Hence, unstable and unsustainable Chinese economy is having a significant impact in deterring the global economic condition. This study would try to shed light on some of the major problems faced by China which can be responsible for slowing down the economic growth rate of the nation in the forthcoming years. Five such major factors have been discussed in details in this study. They are : a) International trade and exports by China, b) Problems related to Chinese currency and the foreign exchange regulations prevalent in the country, c) Problems associated with the increasing aging population of the country, d) T he rising levels of income inequality within the country, and e) The present bad conditions of the Chinese banking industry. All these five reasons can hinder the path of economic development of China in a significant manner. The central idea of this study is

Managing In golbal market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Managing In golbal market - Essay Example This internationalisation strategy report identifies two viable markets for entry, Kuwait and Brazil. In Kuwait, consumers are experiencing increased disposable income levels and consumer behaviour factors represent favourable conditions for consumer acceptance of Taco Bell and its diverse product lines. Brazil maintains stable economic conditions and also encouraging consumer behaviour which can enhance Taco Bell’s ability to improve its internationally-based revenue stream. With the chain’s intention of opening one new store, internationally, every few days (Wong 2014), Brazil and Kuwait can ensure this goal is achieved and market conditions in these two countries represent stability upon market entry. This strategy report utilises many strategic models to analyse market conditions in Brazil and Kuwait as viable markets for the chain’s growth. The report’s deliverables include a full understanding of the political, economic and social factors of both markets, the competitive environment, and specific strategic initiatives that must be established to make market entry a success and ensure profit longevity. The threats and risks in both markets are also identified that might contribute to challenges upon market entry with appropriate recommendations for overcoming any barriers to entering both markets. The Kuwaiti government recognises the opportunities for attracting foreign investment. Recently, Kuwait has established a Free Trade Zone in the city of Shuwaikh, a region closely adjacent to the Iran border, a region sustaining an important international airport, and sustaining a shipping port that facilitates recurring movement of goods via water transport systems. This Free Trade Zone provides foreign companies with complete tax exemption on earnings for 10 years upon market entry (Singh 2010). Hence, the endeavours of the Kuwaiti government to entice foreign investment provide Taco

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A Book That Has Had an Impact on Me Essay Example for Free

A Book That Has Had an Impact on Me Essay During my fourth year of secondary school, I became acutely aware of the Women’s Rights Issue. I made an attempt to re-examine many of the cultural norms that I had previously accepted as just being the natural order of things. One of the paths I took to expand my awareness of the female psyche involved womens literature. That is why I spent one weekend of my life in bedcrying, laughing, feeling sometimes confused, and often, incredibly angry and distraught. On that rainy Humboldt Friday night I had decided to read The Womens Room. The author, Marilyn Fridey, describes the lives of several women from the 1950s to present. These women are nothing out of the ordinary. They either go to college and then get married, or they get married without bothering about the pretense of collegeafter all, they know that college is only a way to find more economically promising husbands. Myra, the main character whose life is traced throughout the book vaguely wonders why she is not content cooking pot roast, scraping shit from the babys diapers, and picking up her husbands dry cleaning. See more: Strategic Management Process Essay Her only solace is the neighborhood of women who share concerns over coffee in the afternoons. They wonder why Katherine, a Catholic woman who has 9 children and an alcoholic husband, committed suicide. She had a normal life, they thought, she just should have talked her husband into using birth control. As for the rest of the women, including Myra, their lives, fears, disappointments and yearnings, were much more subtle, yet equally suicidal in their quiet desperation. Many years down the road, Myras life finally changes. Her husband has made it, the kids have grown, and life is easy economically. Myra has a nervous breakdown. Once recovered, she divorces, and becomes a graduate student at Yale. Though painful and difficult, it is here that she comes to terms with herself, realizes her potential, and learns to live with herselfnot necessarily happilybut at least honestly. After I finished the story of Myras world that Sunday evening, I woke up in the middle of the night sobbing uncontrollably from a terrible nightmare. Though I couldnt remember the dream, I came to a profound realization. Myras life was my mothers. Most of my life I had revered, respected and admired my father for going to college, being intelligent and worldly, having power and control. In short for being a man. My mother always seemed too wishy-washy, easily trodden upon, overly dependent because she had chosen the role of housewife, mother. I rebelled against the tradition, and feared wearing those chains someday. Consequently, I strove to be like my father. Until this book, I never realized how much more courage it took for a person to live within a stifled role, and find contentment by living through other people. During that night of crying I understood my mother for the first timeI respected her inner strength, compassion, gentleness. Ever since then, my relationship with my mother has evolved, and we are very close. I will probably never adopt the role in life that she chose to take, but I now respect her for her life, and understand the reasons why she made those choices. Reading of Myras evolution as a female changed the way I feel towards myself, my feelings and compassion for my mother, and provided me with a much more sensitive view towards the lives of many women in our society today.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Strategies to achieve competitive positions

The Strategies to achieve competitive positions Choose one of the four competitive positions mentioned in the strategy lecture and discuss, using examples, the marketing strategies an organisation would employ to achieve that position. Competitive strategies are chosen by firms depending on their roles in the market leader, challenger, follower or nicher. This essay will focus on firms who are market leaders and what marketing strategies are used to help them achieve that position. Every industry has its own market leader. Kotler, P. (2005) believes the market leader is one that has the largest market share or highest profitability margin in a given market for goods and services. Market leader often leads other firms in product innovation, price changes; distribution channels and promotion strategies. Good examples of market leaders would be Apple with their ranges of IPod, touch phones and tablet computer, Google with its search engine, social networking Facebook and Tesco (supermarket chains). Market leadership is extremely important. Almost every firm wants to be the first in the market. The reason is not only the revenue but it is because most customers prefer to buy from leaders. They perceive leaders to be better and they perceive leaders to be a safer purchase. Reference groups are great in influencing consumers behaviour. People tend to buy from where everyone else buys, this helps strengthening the leaders position. To become a market leader, a firm needs to own and control the relevant technology in whatever market it is in either through the use of patent or other proprietary protections. Moreover, it needs to adopt and implement better technologies directly, whenever they become available, regardless of whether or not any other organisations are currently using them. It is critical to be the first to use a technology or create a category for a product. Then make it an industry standard. Baines, P., Fill, C. Page, K. (2008) defined the two main strategies used by firms to achieve market leadership position are: Attack the market Defend the position Apart from expanding the total demand and protecting market share, the market leaders should try to expanding market share, even if market size remains constant (Kotler Gary, 2005). Forth strategy is proposed by Brassington, F Pettitt, S. (2006) who believed that companies should also seek stability and retention of customer base. In this essay, the four strategies will be analysed with appropriate examples of firms that applied those strategies successfully and firms that failed during competition. Attack the market Attack the market can be operated in different ways. The firms can create new uses, new consumers categories or increase frequency of use. This strategy is extremely popular as the dominant firm normally gains the most when the total market expands. In general, the market leader should look for new customers or more usage from existing customers. Every product has the potential of attracting buyers who are unaware of the product or who are still under consideration because of price or the products do not have some certain features. A company can search for new users among three groups: those who might use it but do not (market-penetration strategy), those who have never used it (new-market segment strategy), or those who live elsewhere (geographical-expansion strategy). Example: Johnson Johnson baby shampoo was losing market share due to birth rate declining, they had expand their customers segmentation, targeting adults which helped them regain their leader position. (New user) Kelloggs Crunchy Nut has expanded their ranges and introduced snack bars which increase frequency of use, relatively increase sales of the product. Defend the position/Protect market share The leader must constantly monitor the market because the market challenger is persistently trying to take away market share or worse, to replace the leaders position in the market. The firms can defend their positions in the market and their market share by monitoring their position, regular innovation; eliminate any weaknesses, price cutting and discount, increases promotion. Defend the position in the market is a difficult task for market leaders since they may be under attack from numbers of different competitors small to medium firms in the existing market or big players want to expand from a completely different industry. Although defence strategies may require a deployment of resources to defend different parts of the operation, it is hard of a challenger brand to dislodge a market leader if the market leader is actively defending territory. There are six different ways in defense strategy which are: Position defense (purely defensive is not enough, firms must take offensive counter-measure). It is considered as the least successful in the defense strategies. This defense was use by Mercedes until Toyota launched a frontal attack with its Lexus. Mobile defense (more than aggressively defend, stretches domain over new territories) E.g.: Legend Holdings, the top China PC maker Legend has announced a joint venture with AOL to broaden its business to provide Internet services in the mainland. Flanking defense (guarding territory is not enough, firms must create outposts/flanks to protect weak front and invasion base for counter attack) E.g. Gold Eagle is a flanking brand introduced by San Miguel in the Philippines as a defense against APBs Beerhausen. Contraction defense (strategic withdrawal: give up weak territories, concentrates strength and resources at more dependable areas). The market leader must make its own assessment to prioritise the importance of territories and should be willing to relinquish those that are not important to defend for those that are. E.g. Indias TATA Group sold its soaps and detergents business units to Unilever in 1993 or Ford retired T-birds and Probe to focus on Contour and Taurus. Pre-emptive defense (Detect potential attacks and attack the enemies first) Seiko with 2,300 watch models is considered as a successful example for this category while Heinz proved failure as they did not respond to Hunts attack which leaded to Hunt established a rival brand. Counter-offensive defense (Respond to competitors head-on attack by identifying the attackers weakness and then launch a counter attack) E.g. Toyota launched the Lexus to respond to Mercedes attack. Continuous innovation is considered as the best way to protect market share and is required for long-term leadership. When leaders become self-satisfied with their products or services, it becomes easier for the challenger to make progress. In large markets, small increases in market share can turn into great sales increases; a one-point gain in market share can be worth hundreds of millions of pounds. However not every firm understands the importance of continuous innovative process and often failed in retaining their positions in the market. Companies are hindered from investing and following through with innovation because they fear cannibalising established products (Tellis Golder, 1996). In order to protect mainframe sales, IBM obstructed its development of minicomputers and workstations while competitors kept making inroads into the mainframe market. Another reason why companies are less worried about innovation is that they are satisfied with their progress. Yahoo was satisfied with its social networking Yahoo 360Â  [1]Â  until the company started to lose market share to Facebook and Friendster in Asia. Thirdly, large bureaucracies can discourage innovations or slow the progress when companies bring new products to market. GM and IBM are well-known examples for this problem. Despite their technological strength and financial resources, both companies were slow to bring out new products because of their bureaucratic approval process. Firms that do well in continuous innovation are Apple, Procter Gamble. Apple was certainly not the first manufacturer to MP3 players but its iPod was totally different to anything else on the market at the time of its release. Apple has a large range of IPod from IPod shuffle, IPod Nano with stylish shapes or IPod classic for music lovers as they can hold a great number of files and IPod touch for multifunctional uses. The firm also introduced to its customers a range of IPhone from 2G-3GS and promising the new version of IPhone (IPhone 5) in 2011. Procter Gamble the worlds largest consumer products company- takes innovation seriously which shown in their heavily investment in innovative process. They outspend competition in Research and Development believing if they provide branded products of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the worlds consumers, consumers will reward them with leadership sales, profit and value creations. They are well-known for their open innovation outlook. As not all brilliant ideas are coming from internal, it is critically for firms to seek new ideas, innovations from outside. PG has introduced three different networks in which they encouraged their employees to interact with outside world or link different companies in different part of the world working towards a same goal. By doing this, they have received exceptional amount of new ideas, innovative products to increase sales and market share in consumers market. Expand market share Expand market share can gain great profits for the company but there is a drawback. Too many customers can put a strain on the firms resources, hurting product value and service delivery. Example: America Online experienced growing pains when its customer base expanded, resulting in system outages and access problems (Kotler Keller, 2006). Consumers may also infer that bigger is not better and assume that growth will lead to a deterioration of quality. If exclusivity is a key brand benefit, existing customer may resent additional new customers. (Kotler Keller, 2006) This strategy can be operated via the marketing mix. However this strategy can provoke antitrust action or anti-dumping charge. Vietnamese rice export market has received multiple charges on dumping issues in European market trying to gain more market share in short period of time. Economic cost such as legal costs needs to be taking in consideration. Wrong marketing mix strategy is also one of the problems firms face when expanding market share (for example: focus on unattractive segments). Successful example of firm in expanding market share is Starbucks. The company plans to continue to rapidly expand its retail operations, grow its specialty sales and other operations, and selectively pursue opportunities to leverage the Starbucks brand through the introduction of new products and the development of new distribution channels. Seek stability and retention of customer base Tesco is a great example for applying this strategy. They try to retain customers loyal via promotion and Club card which customers can save as they shop and spend the points on various products. Tesco seeks stability, it competes on prices with rivals such as Sainsburys and Asda, although it also focuses on customer service, how to deliver good service with reasonable price to the customers. It is important that leader firms understand their strengths and weaknesses, also have a clear view of their competitors in the market. Choosing the right defense strategy is critical in order to retain their position as leaders and continue to expand the total market and market share, as well as profitability. Market leaders should take innovation seriously in order to stay in the leading position.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

black boy :: essays research papers

This novel is set in Harlem in New York City. The Grimes migrate to the North in search of new opportunities. Elizabeth bids goodbye to her aunt in Maryland and leaves with Richard. She arrives in New York with great expectations but she is sorely disappointed. "Here, in this great city where no one cared, where people might live in the same building for years and never speak to one another, she found herself, when Richard took her in his arms, on the edge of a steep place and down she rushed, on the descent uncaring, into the dreadful sea." New York is a big and bustling city but it is heartless. The only way Elizabeth and Richard make their existence meaningful is by visiting places of interest in the city on weekends. They go to the Central Park or the Museum of Natural history to take their mind off from the daily drudgery. John Grimes does the same when he has to escape out of his dingy quarters at Harlem. He climbs a hill nearby to view New York in all its majesty and imagines himself to be an influential figure in the city. From there he walks over to mid-town Manhattan and Central Park to get a feel of the city. John experiences a sense of freedom in all the places outside his home at Harlem. His house was "narrow and dirty; nothing could alter its dimensions, no labour could ever make it clean. Dirt was in the walls and the floorboards, and triumphed beneath the sink where roaches spawned; was in the fine ridges of the pots and pans, scoured daily, burnt black on the bottom, hanging above the store; was in the wall against which they hung, and revealed itself where the paint had cracked and leaned outward in stiff squares and fragments, the paper-thin underside webbed with black." In similar quarters live Florence and other Negroes like her. If they look out of their window, they can see "scraps of paper and frosty dust, and --- the hanging signs of stores and storefront churches." In the evenings, the Negro families visit the churches at Harlem called the ‘Temple of the Fire Baptized.’ "It was not the biggest church in Harlem, nor yet the smallest, but John had been brought up to believe it was the holiest and best." John and Roy attend the

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Kingdom of God Essay -- Christianity, Psychology

In Psychology and Christianity Integration, Stevenson reveals three points about God our Father. The first point is that God is all knowing; God knows and sees all that His people do. Majority of humankind think that they can hide their evil thoughts or that He cannot see them when they sin. God sees everything and knows the hearts of his Children. It would not be implausible to assume that our Creator could be disappointed in the world today. With such evils as murder, theft, and abuse carrying on daily in this world, God is saddened. For these reasons it is that much more important that, as Christians, we stay in the light of God. (Stevenson, 2007) The second point is that God knows all possible things; God knows our present as well as what will happen in the future. Our lives have already been laid out and planned for us. He already knows what we are going to do even before we do it. God knows how our stories will be told and how they going to begin and end. He even kn ows who is going to turn their backs on him before the offender knows that he is going to do it. (Stevenson, 2007) The third point expressed in this text is that God knows what should be. (Stevenson, 2007) Many times, we as humans think we know what is best for ourselves and we stray away from God’s plan. Through free will, God allows us the ability to choose our own paths. When we travel our own path, instead of the one that God has predestined, we end up with feelings of hurt and loneliness. Even with all of these faults, our Heavenly Father is such a forgiving God that He will take us back. These three points give us an overview of how powerful and merciful the Father truly is. The author provides us with substantially positive statements abo... ...lly to deal with issues raised by the client that fall outside a counselor’s own perimeter of expertise, and a referral can be made; there are books, videos, groups, classes, broadcasts, conferences, and much more, available for the promotion of psychological health. The journey is an adventure that takes a lifetime. (Feldman, 1987) References Feldman, Robert S. (1987). Understanding psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Holy Bible. Authorized King James Version Pittman, Bill; B., Dick (Eds.). (1998). Courage to change: The Christian roots of the twelve-step movement. Center City, MN: Hazelden. Johnson, E. (2007). Christ the lord of psychology. In D. Stevenson, B. Eck & P. Hill (Eds), Psychology & Christianity Integration: Seminal Works that Shaped the Movement Batavia, Illinois: Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Inc. .

Friday, October 11, 2019

Mediated Argument for Abortion Essay

Our sexual society has changed so much that many teenage and unwed mothers have turned to abortion as an alternative. As I have grown from being a teenager to a young adult I have encountered numerous pregnant young ladies who have had no idea of whether to have an abortion or keep the baby. Many of them have been young and aren’t mentally, emotionally, or financially stable to take on that kind of responsibility. I decided to discuss the matter of abortion because I don’t think many young women know too much about the subject. First, what is abortion? An abortion is a procedure, either surgical or medical, to end a pregnancy by removing the fetus and placenta from the uterus. (Health Scout) Many people believe that the procedure is immoral and hurts the human race as a whole. Others on the other hand think that it protects women’s rights and that it is discriminatory to outlaw abortion. I plan to discuss the matter at hand by equally presenting both sides of the issue and comparing the pros and cons of abortion. While looking into the subject of abortion you must first come to realize what is growing inside of the mother and distinguish whether or not it is considered to be a life. The main question that poses a conflict is that whether the fetus is considered to be a person before it is fully developed while it’s still in the womb. It has been found that the sperm fertilizes the eggs with twelve hours and ultimately becomes what they call the â€Å"zygote† containing all the chromosomes needed to create a new â€Å"human life.† (Abortion) Many argue, that since the fetus is a â€Å"potential person† and has not fully developed yet, that it should not have the rights of a human being. They figure since it’s only a piece of tissue that the mother is housing, that she has the right to get rid of it if she chooses. Others argue that the fetus is more than just tissue and that it should have the same rights as the woman. They feel that the fetus is just a phase in the process of becoming a person and that life occurs at conception. In the article â€Å"Nine Reasons†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Israel Steinmetz and Planned Parenthood both express their views on the same topic. Planned Parenthood argues that the woman is more than just her fetus and that she has the right to choose. They are saying that giving a fetus the rights of a living, breathing human being is wrong and that the fetus’ rights do not supersede those of the woman. The  Supreme Court backed this statement on January 22, 1973 when they gave women the right to control their reproductive choices. (Abortion) The Supreme Court decided that only in the third trimester, where the baby is said to be â€Å"viable†, does the court have to consider the rights of the unborn child. In concurrence with my earlier research, Steinmetz also argues that the fetus is more than just piece of tissue and a person’s genetic makeup happens at conception. He believes that in the first trimester the baby is not yet â€Å"fully developed† but has a small brain and can feel pain and vibration; therefore it is a human being. In Missouri they also adhere to the belief that life happens at conception and unborn children have protectable welfare in life and health. (Abortion) The next question that arises is that whether or not abortions are morally wrong. Many people seem to think since the law allows it that it must be morally right, but I personally think that many people simply don’t think about the issue at hand. Being morally wrong or write goes back into the discussion of the whether or not the fetus is a human being. Of course if the fetus is a human being it would be morally wrong to abort it because that would be considered as taking a life. On the other hand if it isn’t considered to be a human being then why would it matter if the mother chooses to have an abortion? John O’Connor points out â€Å"there are three kinds of people that consider abortion to be acceptable and moral: (1) those who believe that since the fetus is not yet fully developed it does not achieve the status of a human until birth; (2) those that believe that since the law permits it that it is morally acceptable and (3) those who just don’t think about the subject at all.† He understands all of these aspects but still considers the underlying purpose of abortion: that it kills babies inside of their mother’s womb. (Abortion) Some would argue that abortions should not be considered a moral decision let alone immoral, because the person considering the procedure is making their decision on how it will later affect their lives. There are a number of reasons that abortions are occurring whether it be because she is an unprepared teenage mother or a victim or husband or boyfriend pressure. Abortion rights activists believe that abortion is a choice and important right that women should be able to openly consider. Pro-choice advocates believe that having the right to choose to have an abortion should ultimately outlaw the rights of a fetus. As said earlier the Supreme Court stated that it only considers  the right of the fetus when it is viable, but when exactly do you draw the line on viability? If a person was on a kidney machine, that person would no longer be viable. Another example of viability would be directly at birth, you are able to survive on your own but if left alone you will die, which ultimately means that you are not viable. (Anti-Abortionist†¦) So if the Supreme Court only considers the fetus’ rights when it is viable wouldn’t that mean that our rights would not be considered until we were of age to survive on our own? With all this being said the question still stands whether or not abortion is considered immoral or morally right. Another question, which I think the most important, is whether abortion is safe for the mother and the fetus. Steinmetz and Planned Parenthood analyze both sides and aspects of the issue. Planned Parenthood seems to think that making abortion legal has improved women’s health in some kind of way. They stated that the availability of an abortion has helped lessen medical complications that could have resulted from pregnancy. Steinmetz argues that Planned Parenthood’s figures show that many women had complications due to aborting their babies. (Nine Reasons†¦) On a positive note, with legalization of abortion came the remarkable decrease in abortion-related deaths. Before abortion was legalized women had to turn to back-alley butchers, illegal pregnancy-ending drugs and life-threatening self-abortion techniques. Since legalization women have had the benefit of advanced medical knowledge and equipment. Although abortion is said to be safe and the risk of death has dra stically decreased, there are still risks of complications. You also have to take into consideration which trimester the abortion is going to occur. The longer a person waits the, the more complication and greater the risk of death. Normally, since pregnancy is a natural process within the woman’s body and because the procedure is intrusive the body will experience both long-term and short-term effects. Since abortion was legalized abortion advocates has made the process look â€Å"risk free† instead of portraying the actual view of the issue. (Abortion) In addition to the medical complications come the psychological and physical complications. Most women that decide to have an abortion have not been properly informed of all its possible risks and complications. The doctors do not inform the patient of the degree of pain they might experience nor do  they add in the fact that there will be mental pain and complications. Severe bleeding, puncture of the uterus and cardiac arrest are only a few of the possible complications due to abortions. Along with those come the chance of never being able to have kids again and breast cancer. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 1994 found that women who had abortion increased their chances of getting breast cancer before the age of forty-five by fifty percent and teenagers under the age of eighteen who had an abortion after eighth week or pregnancy by eight hundred percent. (Is Abortion Safe) These are only some of the physical complications that might accompany having an abortion. As for mental complications, Post-Abortion Syndrome is known to occur. During PAS, which is a form of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, often occurs as a result to having an abortion. Women suffering PAS may experience development of eating disorders; depression and thoughts of suicide; and alcohol and drug abuse to only name a few. (Safe Haven) In my opinion the mental effects could have a much greater effect on you than the physical ones. Last but not least I would like to discuss the issue of a wanted child. Many people justify having an abortion by saying that they aren’t able to take care of the child or simply just don’t want to take that kind responsibility. My problem with that would be that they took the risk of not having safe sex and knowing the consequences. This issue posed the problem of â€Å"an unwanted child†. Adoption advocates have continued to argue that an unwanted child is a justifiable reason for abortion, when in all actuality no child is unwanted there are just unwanting parents. Some simply believe that it is wrong to bring an unwanted child into the world because they are more susceptible abuse and neglect. They argue that having an abortion eliminates the risk retaliation by kids on others due to the abusive childhood. The ultimate alternative to abortion would be adoption. There are many families that are unable to have kids that would love to have the child that a mothe r wants to abort. Participants in the abortion process go through numerous screenings and spend a lot of money to achieve their dream of having a child. No matter what side you choose to be on, the fact still remains that the  ultimate goal is to promote a healthier life whether it be for the fetus or the mother. Both sides agree that life is supposed to be preserved and that it is a process. In addition to these common points some others have to be considered. Senator Clinton pointed out that whether not you are for or against abortion we should all agree that every child should be wanted. (CNS News) We all should also agree that the woman has the right to know the risks and procedure. There is no real solution for this issue because we cannot say that doing one thing specifically could fix the problem. Whether it is legal or illegal there is still a chance that women would turn to abortions. Abortions are said to protect women rights but there could be laws passed to both protect women rights and lessen the morality issue of abortion. Anti-Abortionists believe that the fetus is a person from conception; the only way this could be proved is through thorough research. Both sides of the issue propose sufficient arguments but the question is, is either right or wrong. Abortion will always be a highly controversial topic and it will be difficult to determine just one solution. Reference List: 1.Cozic, Charles, and Stacey Tipp. Abortion: Opposing View Points. San Diego: Greenhaven Inc, 1991. 2.†Is Abortion Safe; Alternative to Abortion.† Abortion Medical Rights. National Right to Life. 8 Mar 2007 . 3.Steinmetz, Israel , and Planned Parenthood. â€Å"Nine Reasons Abortion Should Be Illegal.† (1998): 3-4. 6. 4.Jones, Susan. â€Å"Senator Hillary Clinton Seeks ‘Common Ground’ on Abortion.† (2005): 1. 5.†Abortion.† Health Scout. 2001. Health Central Network. 8 Mar 2007 . 6.†Abortion: The anti-abortionist’s arguments.† Abortion Arguments: Pro and Con. 8 Mar 2007 .